School of Divinity in Elema | World Anvil

School of Divinity

The School of Divinity entails seeing beyond our existing time and space. This magic attempts to foresee the future, view the past, or locate something. Anyone who attends the school will find it hard. It put the wielder under a lot of mental strain. Particularly when trying to peek into the future or the past. Trying to predict the future and obtain a prophecy of significant worth but is incredibly hard on the individual. Outside of the divine, this sort of power is not often appreciated. Some individuals believe you are trampling on the gods and goddesses.

Using the divinity school to find and locate things. It is more acceptable in society and offers more career chances. Unlike when it is used to divide the future or the past, it is usually restricted to advisors and people who want to try to correct a mistake or modify their future to a better outcome. There are a variety of vocations available for locating objects and subjects, including detective, archaeologist, treasure hunter, assassin, and others, depending on how you utilize your power.

The School of Divination offers Three subtypes.
  • Foresight: is the ability to look into the past and into the future. This allows you to view potential future outcomes as well as happenings from the past. However, not everything comes in clear.
  • Prophecy: is typically offered by gods and goddesses or other outside forces. This suggests that the future is uncertain. Despite being close to foresight, this one usually comes in the form of stories and analogies.
  • Scryer's: capacity to locate fine objects, people, or other items. This power will assist you in finding or locating what you are seeking for

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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