Pakku Character in Elema | World Anvil


Pakku Is the ruler of the Abyss . Yet no one knows what he truly looks like. When you first see him, he looks exactly like you. As you look at yourself you feel a bit off or that it looks off. Could be that he's using the other hand, the voice could be several octaves higher or lower. Just little things that catch your eye. The demeanor is given off as a superior but relaxed person. As he goes over what will happen to you while you stay in the abyss. If you stay calm or cry you'll be just fine, well for the short term. Now if you lash out with rage and anger. He will transform in too what you fear most down in the deepest part of your subconscious and then continue where he left off explaining things. Then at the end, he will perform acts that will just burn into your mind. Now, what this something is it's different for each individual.
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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