One Week Man in Elema | World Anvil

One Week Man

Have you ever heard the story of the One Week Man? NO, well let me tell you. It is a story about the world's best con artist. He was best known for being the disguise artist and had many aliases with different personalities and traits. He was so good at being anyone and everyone that no one knew his real name or where he came from.

Basically he lived multiple lives and no life. So he used his skills to create different people and personalities. Just to get close to his target and take it. He would play short games and long games whatever it took to get his prize. No one has ever seen it coming.

He became a guard that never was hired and worked there for 3 weeks at the museum. Acting like a strictly by-the-book guy was hard but fair. Until the night when the dragon ruby of Trin. He then took the neckless and one of the 3 ruby eggs. Then walk out even getting permission from the head guard to go home early for feeling sick.

Then there is the time he became Timothy Keys a real estate salesman for 6 months and sold to rich and wealthy people. The new land was starting to be renovated. It was said to have great land and an even greater view. He had made sound like going to be built into a small private village. Well, it actually became new farmland for the kingdom. He left town with gold in hand as the people who pay for the new land. Argue over how it is their land and not the farmer's.

So he is able to be anyone he needs to be to acquire the item he wants. Well, that was true until his last con. Where he became the perfect man for this rich lady. To be able to get access to her hidden vault with some rare artifacts. Well after a year of courting her and romancing her. After they had a wonderful evening and she went to sleep. He snuck down to her vault. He found the artifacts but something was wrong. When he went to take the item a magical trap was set off. Putting him right to sleep.

Then he woke and could move a muscle. Realizing also in a magic circle. Then see his ex-lover making some kind of elixir.

"So what you going to poison me when you kill me you could tell me" what he said

She turns around kneels down gets right to his ear and whispers “you shattered my heart all shatter your mind and soul”. then shoved the vial of liquids into his mouth forcing him to drink it as she's casting a spell.

The next thing he remembers he wakes up in some ragged clothes in her house but something's off. He's not able to control his body and he feels someone else's thoughts. Then the lady comes in and said

“oh goodness dear good to see you up you took a nasty fall in front of my place”.

He says “thank you lovely lady for taking care of me my name is Timothy Keys. I wouldn't guess you would be in the market for some new land?”

The man didn't say that but it did come out of his mouth and you can hear the thoughts of it. like someone's inner monologue. Timothy Keys wasn't an alias why is his body using it? That's weird he can even hear Timothy trying to figure out where he is and how he can make some money selling real estate.

“Oh no dear I have all the land I can afford but I'm glad to see you very well. Now take care of yourself for each week I hear it's going to be a change in you and you just need to enjoy your ride with your company.” Said the lady

Timothy said ok I must be leaving. Get out fast as he can. They said their good goodbyes. And Timothy left 2 start figure it out his life well he does the constant observer.

When a week came up he woke up. There was a new voice in the head a new personality another one of his alias has been given life. Have you lived out his life like this for the rest of his day changing each week into one of his alias. Only being able to observe as A personalities get to take over his body for a weekly ride.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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