Mag Drain Disease Condition in Elema | World Anvil

Mag Drain Disease

MDD is Disease that slowly eats your magic energy and psychical energy until it kills you

Transmission & Vectors

When the infected use any kind magic on someone else. there will be a small change to get it. it also can be passed down to there children with more common


it is dormant until use first spell.


star fill exhausted. spell normal cast simple use more mana. then getting sick easier. then not having the energy to the movie. follow by death. know this takes years and the more powerful get the longer it takes but the more you feel it


the only treatment is to grow stronger fast then MDD can take your energy away. energy transfer does not work it more like that person that does it might get infected


if you know the person has don't use or let use magic on you. besides nothing can be done but some kingdom isolate them


A witch made it to out a powerful mage that was hunted down her covenant. it was to just take his power away from him but she mad in rust so it did just take away his power and slow kills him. it was able to be pass on and it.
Extremely Rare

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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