Journey Weaver Vehicle in Elema | World Anvil

Journey Weaver

Journey Weaver Baskets are common transporting methods for tiny things in the Kingdom of Samhraidh Talamh. Their technology has so far only been available in Samhraidh Talama. no other Kingdom on Raygon has produced anything like it. They can travel 50 miles to ensure they have enough energy for their return trip. They are used to deliver letters, small things, and food items. Some beachfront establishments use it to deliver food and drinks to their customers.

Power Generation

It is a magically enchanted basket that runs on Magical energy. It can fly for up to four hours on a full charge, and its locking mechanism is operational for 72 hours. It takes an hour to recharge its power source by absorbing magic from the air.


It's ways to provide the propeltion to move forward. It has the abilities you glide and dive To pick up a game speed.

Armor and defense

You can write with magical energy the address where it should be delivered on the basket lid. In addition, create a password to assist protect the shipment from theft. It will not open if the password is not entered. This locking system was added in the aftermath of repeated robberies and the Basket Blaster incident. The Basket Blaster event occurred when a person placed Magical Ruins in numerous unclaimed baskets, such that when they were opened, a blast of energy was released. The magical ruins contained a variety of energy types and effects that were activated when the lids of the baskets were removed. The baskets were magically strengthened by the use of Sylvan wood, which made them more difficult to break. They only needed to apply this security step to ensure that no one else can get into it except the person who owns it. Before the power on the locking mechanism runs out, it will automatically return to the sender.


It has a magical aura that it emits like a sonar to detect what's around it. It obtains a sense of how everything is to make Judgment calls to move about from the waves that rebounded off of everything. The wave is light that it won't bother anyone's natural senses.
Fly by delivery basket
Creation Date
5,000 GP
Only made in Kingdom of Samhraidh Talamh
3FT Egg shape basket, 4ft wing
45 MPH in normal 65 MPH fly dive
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Hold 2.9 egg shape and 23 LB weight

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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