Hace Oil Material in Elema | World Anvil

Hace Oil

Do you want a new color for your armor? Do you like those yellow, red, or even orange looking armors? that you can't pay for the expensive material that they're made of. Well, you're just in luck because Hace oil it's here to remedy that problem. It can be added to your armor and watch it change the metal. If you're still not sold on it. The oil will also provide the armor with some heat resistance. The armor stays cool and is less likely to melt. Especially when you are going to face those mighty Dragons.


Material Characteristics

Looks like a liquid cream. Look at you see light coloring either orange, red, or yellow liquid. it is cold to the touch and drips off your fingers like nothing. Coming down as long stream.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The oil changes the coloring and provides heat resistance to both stone material and metal material. The oil it can be applied to stone at any time. Now metal is better to apply it on the last shaping in heating of the metal. It will fuse into the metal and become part of the structure. change its color and apply heat resistance to it now. Stone material over time will lose the heat resistance and need to be reapplied while metal will keep it. Both materials will keep the new coloring that they got from the oil.

Pathfinder rule

It will give you heat resistance while you're wearing the armor. you will not have to make rolls for heat exhaustion in hot areas

Origin & Source

It come from Mace Flower. They are found in volcano areas or other places near magma.

History & Usage

Everyday use

The most common uses are to make armor pieces to endure the heat as they work in the forge. They even make some protective gear for the miners just in case of lava. It will give them some time to get out of there. The other most common use is to make armor for warriors and adventurers to fight in the summit. the dwarves got it to art to it to make armor looks stylus.


To make the oil you get mace flowers and grind them up. While adding a little bit of water to it. You keep this going until you have a nice consistency that’s all to it. The harder part is to find it and harvest it. Luckily some of the kingdoms that rule areas they grow have started farming them.


So when you go looking for these Oil it is dangerous. That is because the oil is from a flower that lives in mountains near lava. The Mace Flower  you need to be careful not to get poked by it. If you do and the oil mix with your blood. It will start attaching itself to the iron in your blood. It will start making you feel cold to the touch. You will basically start having hypothermia and you will need to be treated quickly.


Trade & Market

IT most sold to crafter and blacksmith. to be able to add it to what they are making.


It's normally stored in a small pitcher. So that way you can pour what you are crafting at the forge.
It uncommon the far you go way form the mountain it found the less you are find this oil.
A sweet sulphur
Light, Yellow, Orange, or Red

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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