hydraulic cellular deterioration Condition in Elema | World Anvil

hydraulic cellular deterioration

This is one of the worst ways to die. as your body breaks down into the water. as you fill every bit of it. I would not with this definitely my own enemies. so please watch out for the Tropal Water Snake

Transmission & Vectors

you get by being bitten Tropal Water Snake  is the only natural way. there have been a couple of people who made it into a posion. their also some wizards that made spells that do similar effects.


It is a venom with some magical properties


First, you start sweating and as time goes on you'll starting sweating more and more no down at the 20-minute marker your cells and blood and some in your order will slowly breakdown into water 30-minute marker it will be at 30% broken down with internal damage. 40 minutes you'll be out 50% and dead. 60 minutes you'll be 100% water beside your skin and your bones. the skin and bones do not breakdown. this is the breakdown of an average adult with low magic. if you have high magical resistance to magic it seems to take longer.


You'll need a ritual done by the Mizu priests or clerics. they use the Ritual Tropal Cell Stability


Don't Get Bit!

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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