Faerystone Geographic Location in Eldrosia | World Anvil
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Faerystone is known for having enchanting forests, lush and teeming with magic. Plains of tall grass and wildflowers cover rolling hills. Dotted throughout the land are springs of water and waterfalls. There are no harsh elements, everything is soft and rolling and nice. There are areas that have been scared by the elemental wars, the element that 'won' the area is shown. Where the fire elementals won is burned and bits of fire have been alive for generations, an area has become flooded, a giant mountain stands where there once was none, the wind has blown everything away leaving just dirt and rocks.


it is mostly sunny here and always perfectly warm. It rains only a handful of times through the year and is quickly over every time.

Fauna & Flora

the flora seem to hold magic in them and touching some of the plants can give you a zap of magic and cause an effect for a few seconds. (Touching the cloud bush causes a weightlessness effect to happen)
The fauna is very magical forest where nothing bad can happen vibes. The only distinct thing is the Elemental Guardians beings that embody the elemental magic (a fiery phoenix, a towering earth golem, an ethereal sylph, or a mighty water serpent), they have immense power and are sought out for help with elemental magic. It is very common for the population of Faerystone to have one of the four elemental magics (fire, earth, air, water) and those who don't are commonly looked down upon.

Natural Resources

Faestones: Faerystone is named after the abundant presence of faestones, precious gems imbued with elemental energy. These radiant stones hold the essence of the elemental forces and can enhance magical abilities or be used in the creation of powerful artifacts.
Elemental Flora: Faerystone is blessed with unique flora that has absorbed elemental energies. Certain plants and flowers possess properties tied to specific elements, such as fire blossoms that emit warmth and sparks, or water lilies that produce soothing and purifying effects. These flora can be used in alchemical concoctions or spellcasting rituals.  
Elemental Springs: Faerystone is known for its elemental springs, which flow with pristine and magical waters. Each spring represents a different elemental aspect, such as a spring of fire, water, earth, or air. These springs have restorative properties and can imbue individuals with temporary elemental enhancements.  
Luminous Crystals: Luminous crystals can be found within the depths of Faerystone's caverns. These crystals emit a soft, enchanting glow and possess properties of illumination and light magic. They are used for creating light-based spells, enchantments, or to illuminate dark areas.  
Elemental Dust: Elemental dust is a fine powder found in Faerystone, composed of particles infused with elemental energies. This dust can be harvested and used in the creation of potions, talismans, or magical inks.


Founding Myth: Faerystone is said to have been born from the convergence of elemental forces. According to legend, when the world of Eldrosia was still young, the primordial energies of earth, air, fire, and water intertwined in a mystical dance, giving birth to the realm of Faerystone. It is believed that powerful elemental beings played a role in shaping the landscape and imbuing it with their essence.
Ancient Elemental Cultures: In the early days of Faerystone, elemental civilizations flourished. These ancient cultures were deeply connected to the elemental forces and revered them as sacred. They constructed grand temples, harnessed elemental magic, and developed unique rituals and traditions to maintain the delicate balance of their realm.  
Rise and Fall of Empires: Throughout Faerystone's history, various empires and kingdoms rose to prominence, each leaving its mark on the realm. Some civilizations sought to dominate the elemental powers, harnessing them for their own purposes, while others sought to live in harmony with nature and the elements. The rise and fall of these empires brought changes to the political landscape and shaped the cultures of Faerystone.  
Elemental Wars: Faerystone has witnessed periods of conflict known as the Elemental Wars. These wars were fought between factions seeking to control the realm's elemental energies or maintain their own dominance. The wars often disrupted the delicate balance of the elements and caused havoc in the realm, leaving scars on the land and altering the course of history.  
Guardians of Elemental Balance: Over time, a group known as the Guardians of Elemental Balance emerged in Faerystone. These individuals, often attuned to elemental magic, dedicated themselves to preserving the harmony between the elements and the realms. They acted as mediators, arbitrators, and protectors, using their knowledge and abilities to prevent the misuse or imbalance of elemental forces.  
Trials of Elemental Mastery: In Faerystone, aspiring mages and elemental practitioners undergo the Trials of Elemental Mastery. These trials test their abilities, knowledge, and connection to the elemental forces. Those who successfully complete the trials gain recognition and access to deeper understanding of elemental magic.  
Present Day: In the current era, Faerystone stands as a realm of natural wonder, inhabited by those who revere the elemental forces and seek to preserve the delicate balance. Ancient ruins, mystic sites, and elemental guardians dot the landscape, carrying echoes of the realm's rich history.
Magical Realm
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