Timelock Condition in Eldris | World Anvil


Timelock is a rare condition, resulting in the body 'falling out' of time, only seen effecting those who have been afflicted with Shadow's Blight.

Transmission & Vectors

Timelock is contracted when Shadow's Blight is contracted. It is not contagious


Timelock begins sometime during the process of contracting Shadow's Blight. There is no known reason for contracting this or the degree of affliction.


Timelock manifests as the perceptive halting of the body's functions such as:  
  • Aging
  • Heart Beat
  • Digestive function
  • Circadian Rhythm
  • Respiratory function
  • Halting of healing function
  • Halting of reproductive function


There is currently no known cure, however, there are several charms and precautions that the afflicted can take to avoid death. Specialized clothes are crafted by the Shadow Dancers artisans to simulate the heart pumping, draw in oxygen to the body, regulate body temperature, allow the victim to experience a meditative state similar to sleep, digest and pass foods and beverages, and heal wounds.


Depending on the degree of time lock, this affliction can be fatal. While the body is sustained through the magic of the affliction, the victim can succumb to hypothermia from a lack of their heart beat or hypothermia for lack of sweating; running out of fuel for the body; mental issues from not sleeping; complications from lack of oxygen, and wounds that do not bleed or heal.

Cultural Reception

Several of the symptoms of timelock contribute to the confusion of those afflicted with Shadow's Blight being vampires or undead.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare


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