The World's Scar Geographic Location in Eldris | World Anvil

The World's Scar


The World's Scar is a massive expanse of desert, covering approximately  a quarter of Berdea. The surrounding plains slowly melt into desert, like a gradually healing scar. Half of the expanse is shifting pale sands before abruptly turning darker, consisting mostly of grit and stone. The Scar is nestled up against a chain of mountains said to have risen when the World Tree was killed. The desert is a vast, inhospitable emptiness where Fire and Earth energies wage war for dominance. Water energy is as scarce as water itself. Oases both large and small can be found within the desert, as well as shifting settlements of Gnoll and other desert dwelling Fayus.


The Scar offers little in way of food, shelter, and water. Inhabitants of the desert use the stars at night to find their way and rest during the blazing heat of the day. Many remain near water sources or rely on the flesh of the deep digging Sandstars, which thrive under the sands.

Ecosystem Cycles

As seasons change, The Scar rarely does. Summer brings heat that can make travel impossible, forcing long periods of dormancy in the land. Winter brings the water, often through hidden underground rivers and expanding oases. Spring brings wind storms that kick up sand and debris. Fall is the quiet time, when predators are most active.

Localized Phenomena

Every ten years during the rain season, there is one day at the end of the year where The Scar is bathed in gentle waters, enough that the water pools up to an adults ankles, unabsorbed by the thirsty sands.


The Scar was once a vast forest and plain, considered the heart of the world. The World Tree thrived here, it's roots bound to it's kin in an expansive mycological network. Once the tree was killed, the backlash of the ritual drained the land dry through the network, burning the majority of the continent to desert. Over the millennia, the land healed, slowly reclaiming the desert. Ancient ruins can sometimes be found, uncovered by the shifting winds and sands before once again being lost.
Alternative Name(s)
Fir'tan's Sin
Location under
Included Locations
Related Tradition (Primary)


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