Spirit's Whispers Material in Eldris | World Anvil

Spirit's Whispers

"We as humans lack something to hear the words of the spirits. They must communicate with us by other means. Signs and whispers on the wind... But if you open the mind's eye..." - Horse Shaman Valdrin
    Spirit's Whispers is a dry herbal mixture comprised of multiple herbs. It is smoked through a bone pipe and held in the lungs as long as possible. The mixture is used by the tribes of the Oleos Island chain to commune with the elemental spirits on matters of grave import.


Material Characteristics

The dried herbs of this blend are ground and placed in a pouch fashioned from the swim bladder of an adult Killfish. The draw strings of the pouch are fashioned by the intestines of the Killfish. It gives off a pungent herbal smell.


The herbal mixture is comprised of Death's Tongue, Nightshade, Widow's Shroud, Dwarve's Beard, Nocturne's Embrace, and Solaris' Shine.

Geology & Geography

Spirit's Whispers is made exclusively on the Oleos Island Chain by the shamans. All of the herbs within are found in other places, but not all together in one place.

Origin & Source

The materials composing the smoking mixture are found through out the wilds of the island chain. They are not cultivated, but harvested from the wild. Due to the spread of the plants, this encourages trading and some friendly manners between all the tribes.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Spirit's Whispers has been used through history by Shamans of the island chain to divinate signs and omens from the spirits. Battles, raids, illness, leadership changes, and other major events of the tribe have prompted it's use. Due to the addictive and poisonous natures of some of the plants, it is only used for important events.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The mixture is part of the tribe's culture and religion, their means of communicating with their deities for guidance and wisdom as well as for their shamans. Only apprentices who learn to mix this properly take their place as shamans in the tribe.


The herbs that make up this component are gathered in small quantities, washed, and dried for seven days. Once completely dried, they are ground into flakes and placed in individual pouches for trade or mixing. A shaman will mix the concoction in a small tortoise shell bowl prior to using it.


Several of the plants are poisonous or addictive. Too much of one or too little of another can cause severe side effects, differing depending on the herbs that are out of balance. Too much Widow's Shroud, Nightshade, or Death's tongue and you may end up a corpse.  Too little Solaris' Shine or Dwarves' Beard and the combined toxins will cause problems. Too much Nocturne's Embrace and you may end up addicted.
Bitter and acrid
Acrid, hint of nuttiness
Dried herb green, brown, and yellow


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