Drakonic Language in Eldris | World Anvil

Drakonic (Dra-con-ic)

The shared ancient language of the Dragon people, lost when the dwarves purged them from the face of Eldris. A facsimile of the language exists today in various forms and dialects, changed over time by the small pockets of survivors and those they chose to reveal themselves to.

Writing System

The alphabet is ordered by the emphasis, starting at no emphasis, moving into growl emphasis, then grunt emphasis, and finally into the higher pitched emphasis. The lettering is repeated, utilizing an indicator over, under, or through the lettering to denote the emphasis.

Geographical Distribution

Once, Draconic was spread over the world, spoken uniformly by each of the dragon clans. With the destruction of the dragon people, the language was erased almost over night. However, written versions of the language remain scattered across the continents, etched into stone and relics. Deep ruins often bear the glyphs on tombs. Translation stones are scattered across the world as well, the alphabet scrawled across it with translations of the common human languages of that time etched beneath.


Drakonic utilizes primarily hard consonants and few vowels. Hearing it spoken amounts to what sounds like nonsense or animals talking. It takes time and exposure to pick out the individual words of the short, rolling sentences as the words bleed and flow into each other like crests and troughs of waves on the ocean.


Draconic is composed primarily of deep throated guttural noises emphasis, sometimes dragging out the syllables. The language was modified from the primitive use of growls, grunts, roars, chitters, chirups, clicks, clacks, and roars to accommodate the growing human population that were under the charge of draconic beings.


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