Cavalry Master Profession in Eldris | World Anvil

Cavalry Master

Cavalry exists within every military structure on the planet. There are few nations who make it a noteworthy portion of their army. While Agaland now boasts the best cavalry in the known world, the title once belonged to the Fae folk of Elvalon.



Within the fae military, each member chooses their own specialization based on their interests and abilities. For Cavalry, a strong bond with their steed is also required. The Cavalry Master requires a strong bond with their mount and deep understanding of the Dire Deer Fae use as mounts. A minimum of ten years experience in the Cavalry unit is also required.

Career Progression

The first five years of military life is spent at the lowest rung of the latter, assisting the soldiers of various ranks and gaining basic experience in each branch. At the end of the fifth year, the squire would choose to enter the Cavalry unit and become apprenticed to one of the Cavalry Body. They will spend at least five years apprenticed to the Body before becoming a part of it. Another five years is spent as a member of the Body before being qualified to become part of the Head of Cavalry; leaders of each individual unit, or Cavalry Master, the leader of the entire segment of army.

Payment & Reimbursement

The Cavalry Master is paid with a salary of up to 600 gold a year, high quality armor and weaponry, designate land befitting the station, title, and first pick of goods produced.

Other Benefits

The Cavalry Master is respected among the Dire Deer and the Grandfather, given recognition for their purity and dedication to the Fae people. They are given respect by their peers and citizenry.



The Cavalry Master is among the leadership of the Fae military, charged with making the best decisions in combat for the Cavalry units as well as advocating for the proper care and treatment of the Dire Deer herds.

Social Status

Cavalry Masters are equivalent to Nobility among the Fae, though temporarily.


This role is exclusively occupied by a member of the Fae race, but diverse among the sub races.



Armor for rider and mount, Lance, Bow/Crossbow with ammunition, Saddle and Tack, grooming supplies for both Fae and Deer, saddlebags, clothing, mess kit, food, tent, hammock, bedroll, extra blankets, medicines


The Cavalry Master's primary workplace can be located in The Summer and Winter Courts, handling the administrative portions of the branch, such coordinating training exercises, evaluating new members, assigning squires to units, monitoring and caring for the Dire Deer herds, inspecting units, and so on.


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