The Imperial Chousil Organization in Eldrida | World Anvil
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The Imperial Chousil

The Chousil is tasked with running the everyday happeniongs of the empire.
The Imperial Counsel of the Averland Empire includes the following roles:
  1.  **Prime Minister:** The head of the Imperial Counsel, responsible for overseeing the administration of the Empire and setting policy direction.
  2.  **Chancellor of the Exchequer:** Responsible for the Empire's treasury and economic policies.
  3.  **Lord High Marshal:** Oversees the Empire's military and defense matters.
  4.  **Provost Marshal:** Manages diplomatic relations and international treaties.
  5.  **Home Secretary:** In charge of internal affairs, including law enforcement and domestic security.
  6.  **High Justice of the Court of the Golden Balance:** Handles the judicial system and legal framework of the Empire.
  7.  **Lord High Admiral:** Commands the Empire's navy and oversees maritime affairs.
  8.  **Master of the Revels:** Organizes court events and ceremonies, potentially a role with more intrigue in a fantasy setting.
  9.  **High Arcanist:** Adviser on magical affairs and arcane research.
  10.  **Warden of the Borderlands:** Responsible for the security and management of the Empire's frontiers.
  11.  **Minister of Commerce:** Manages trade policies and economic relations with other nations and cultures within the Empire.
  12.  **Minister of the Interior:** Oversees the infrastructure, land management, and natural resources.
  13.  **Minister of Education and Enlightenment:** In charge of educational institutions and the promotion of knowledge.
  14.  **Minister of Health and Alchemy:** Responsible for public health and alchemical advancements.
  15.  **Minister of Information:** Controls information and the public image of the Empire, 
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories


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