Duchy of Falkenholm Organization in Eldrida | World Anvil
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Duchy of Falkenholm

The Duchy of Falkenholm is a noble and prosperous realm within the Averlander ethnicity, known for its rich cultural heritage. Nestled amidst breathtaking landscapes, Falkenholm is characterized by rolling hills, lush forests, and the majestic Falkenholm Castle, perched atop a cliff overlooking the realm. The duchy's history is deeply intertwined with the liberation from the Hobgoblin empires that had once enslaved the people of Eldrida. Falkenholm played a pivotal role in the war of liberation, with its valiant warriors and noble leaders at the forefront of the resistance. The duchy became a symbol of resilience and determination, embodying the indomitable spirit of the Averlanders.   The Averlander culture is celebrated throughout Falkenholm, with regular festivals and events that showcase traditional music, dance, and cuisine.   The duchy's capital, Falkenheim, is a bustling city that serves as the center of administration and commerce. Its cobbled streets wind through vibrant marketplaces, where merchants trade goods from near and far, including the exquisite crafts and metalwork produced through the partnership with the dwarfs of Brazenthrone. Falkenheim also houses a prestigious academy of arts and sciences, attracting scholars and artists from across the land.   Nature holds a special place in the hearts of the Falkenholm inhabitants. The duchy is blessed with picturesque landscapes, including serene lakes, meandering rivers, and enchanting forests. The people of Falkenholm revere the land and practice sustainable agricultural methods, ensuring the harmonious balance between humankind and nature. They celebrate the changing seasons with joyous harvest festivals, paying homage to the bountiful gifts bestowed upon them.   As a duchy, Falkenholm is led by the benevolent Duke Wilhelm von Falkenholm and his wife, Duchess Isabella von Falkenrath. The couple exemplifies the ideals of honor, wisdom, and compassion, inspiring loyalty and admiration among their subjects. Under their leadership, Falkenholm thrives as a beacon of prosperity, cultural heritage, and unity within the Averlander community.

Demography and Population

135 000
Founding Date
13th Ice
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

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