Thalion Silmornen Character in Eldrida | World Anvil
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Thalion Silmornen

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thallion Silmornen's life is a poignant tale of innocence lost and resilience gained. Born in the year 1100 SC, Thallion was an elven youth who, despite his physical maturity, retained the mind of an adolescent. His life took a dramatic turn in 1140 SC when hobgoblin raiders from the Dominion of Tars invaded his homeland. During this brutal assault, Thallion was captured and enslaved, marking the end of his carefree days by the sea in the province of Thalian. The hobgoblins transported Thallion to the City of Lawhaven, the stronghold of the Holy Knights of the Godclaw. There, he fell under the control of Vorstag Helmspur Konrad von Schatteninsel, a man whose ambition was matched only by his cruelty. Vorstag was obsessed with ancient mechanical devices from the time of the Skyfall, which he believed could be used to exert control over living beings. Thallion, with his elven dexterity and keen intellect, became an unwilling participant in Vorstag's dark experiments.   For years, Thallion labored in grim workshops, his hands crafting the very instruments of his oppression. He witnessed the creation of mechanical horrors, designed to enforce Vorstag's will upon the masses. Despite the despair that surrounded him, Thallion's spirit remained unbroken, and he secretly harbored a deep understanding of the devices that bound him.   In 1147 SC, after Vorstag had seized a castle following a war of conquest, Thallion's chance for liberation finally arrived. A group of freedom fighters infiltrated the castle, seeking to dismantle the control devices. Recognizing Thallion's expertise, they implored him for help. Seizing the opportunity, Thallion guided them in deactivating the devices, starting with his own. Together, they freed the townspeople, and under the cover of darkness, they fled.   The freedom fighters  , aware of the dangers that still lurked within the occupied territories, retreated deep into the forests of the empire. Thallion, however, was not content to hide. Driven by a newfound purpose and armed with invaluable knowledge, he left the safety of the forest to confront Vorstag's allies. His goal was clear: to dismantle the network of oppression that had once ensnared him and to ensure that no one else would suffer as he had.


Contacts & Relations

The relationship between Thallion Silmornen and Vesna Kira Božena Klasarov, also known as Smertidochka, is one forged in the crucible of rebellion and the shared desire for freedom. Thallion, once a captive of the oppressive forces led by Vorstag Helmspur Konrad von Schatteninsel, found a liberator in Vesna, the leader of the Zlatozhita liberation front. Vesna, with her noble heritage and fierce determination, played a pivotal role in Thallion's rescue. Her raid on the castle where Thallion was held not only freed him from physical bondage but also empowered him to join the fight against tyranny.   Together, they represent hope and resistance against the Empire's oppression. Their alliance is not just a strategic partnership but also a personal journey of growth and mutual support.


Thalion Silmornen

Ally (Vital)

Towards Smertidochka



Liberator (Important)

Towards Thalion Silmornen


Year of Birth
1100 SC 49 Years old
Other Affiliations


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