Smertidochka Character in Eldrida | World Anvil
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Knyaginya Vesna Kira Božena Klasarov (a.k.a. Smertidochka a.k.a. The Handmaiden of Death)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Despite the hardships she has endured, Knyaginya Vesna Kira Božena Klasarov (a.k.a. Smertnaya) possesses a resilient and determined demeanor. She is in good physical condition, her body honed by a combination of training and survival instincts.

Body Features

Her stature is lean and athletic, with well-defined muscles reflecting her disciplined lifestyle and active role in the Zlatozhita liberation front. She carries herself with a sense of purpose, each movement purposeful and deliberate.

Facial Features

Knyaginya Vesna has an oval-shaped face that enhances her natural beauty and adds a touch of elegance to her overall appearance. Her facial features are well-proportioned, perfectly complementing her determined and resilient demeanor. High cheekbones accentuate her graceful contours, adding a subtle air of regality to her presence. Her jawline is defined but soft, reflecting both strength and femininity.
Her captivating dark blue eyes, set within the oval frame of her face, hold a piercing gaze that speaks volumes of her resilience and unwavering determination. They are windows to her indomitable spirit and the resolve she carries within. Her eyebrows, gracefully arched, frame her eyes with precision and intensity.

Physical quirks

When deep in thought or focused on a task, Knyaginya Vesna has a tendency to furrow her brow, a small crease forming between her eyebrows. It reveals her concentration and determination to overcome obstacles.

Apparel & Accessories

Dressed in practical yet purposeful attire, Knyaginya Vesna dons a combination of a fitted leather armor, adorned with symbols of the Zlatozhita liberation front, and a tattered cloak that serves both as protection and camouflage. She carries a worn, but well-maintained, sword strapped to her side, a symbol of her leadership and strength.

Mental characteristics


Starting at the age of 8, Vesna received a privileged education tailored to her noble status. Private tutors were engaged to provide her with a comprehensive range of subjects. She delved into academic studies, including mathematics, languages, history, geography, literature, and philosophy. Vesna mastered the arts of reading, writing, and engaging in intellectual discourse.
As Vesna was being groomed for leadership, her education emphasized specialized training in leadership principles, political strategy, and diplomacy. She learned how to effectively manage resources, make important decisions, and navigate the intricate social and political landscapes.
To prepare for potential conflicts or threats, Vesna underwent combat training. She honed her skills in self-defense and martial arts, training in various combat forms such as swordsmanship, archery, and hand-to-hand combat.
Vesna's cultural education encompassed the appreciation of music, dance, and art. She acquired proficiency in playing the lyre and participating in traditional dances, cultivating both artistic sensibilities and refined social skills.
Etiquette and courtly manners were instilled in Vesna, ensuring she conducted herself with grace and elegance befitting her noble standing. She learned the intricacies of formal settings, engaged in polite conversation, and adeptly navigated social hierarchies.
Vesna delved into the rich history of her noble lineage, deepening her knowledge of her family's heritage, the history of her noble house, and the cherished traditions and customs associated with her ancestry. This upbringing instilled in her a profound sense of pride and duty towards her family's legacy.
While her education primarily focused on academic and social aspects, Vesna was also exposed to practical skills. These might have included basic household management, equestrian training, and knowledge of agriculture and estate management, given the vastness of her family's domain.
Unfortunately, Vesna's education was abruptly cut short when war engulfed the region, forcing her to abandon her studies at the age of 15.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Early Setbacks: The initial operations of the Zlatozhita Liberation Front, under her leadership, faced significant challenges. They struggled with recruitment, securing resources, and executing their missions successfully. These early failures highlighted the daunting task ahead and forced Vesna to reassess her strategies and leadership approach.
  • Betrayal: Vesna’s trust in Pomishchik Vladimir Nikolaevich was met with a stark betrayal when he clandestinely dealt with Rupert Grey, compromising the liberation front’s missions and causing a fracture within its ranks. This betrayal not only led to a loss of valuable resources but also deeply shook Vesna’s ability to trust, compelling her to rebuild her alliances with caution.
  • Public Humiliation: Rupert Grey’s tactics included subjecting Vesna to public humiliation, an act designed to strip her of dignity and break her spirit. Being paraded through the streets in her finest dress, only to be tied and drenched in the blood of her fallen comrades, was a profound embarrassment and a cruel attempt to diminish her standing before her people and her enemies.

Mental Trauma

The mental traumas endured by Vesna are as severe as the physical battles she has fought. These traumas include:
  • Betrayal and Loss: The betrayal by Vladimir and the subsequent internal conflicts within the liberation front left deep emotional scars, compounded by the loss of her father and the capture of her family. Witnessing her brother’s execution and the massacre of her people inflicted a lasting psychological impact.
  • Survivor’s Guilt: Being one of the few nobles to survive, Vesna grapples with survivor’s guilt. She constantly questions her decisions and actions, wondering if she could have done more to prevent the atrocities committed against her people.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress: The continuous exposure to violence, death, and the responsibility of leading a resistance has resulted in post-traumatic stress. Vesna experiences recurring nightmares, anxiety, and a pervasive sense of dread, which she must continually battle to maintain her leadership and focus on her goals.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Strategic Thinking: Vesna demonstrates a keen sense of strategic thinking. She has the ability to analyze complex situations, assess risks, and formulate long-term plans. She considers various perspectives and factors, weighing the potential outcomes and implications of her decisions. This strategic mindset allows her to navigate challenging circumstances and devise effective approaches to achieve her goals.
  • Tactical Acumen: Vesna excels in tactical thinking, understanding the importance of short-term maneuvers and immediate actions. She can quickly assess battlefield conditions, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make swift decisions to seize opportunities or mitigate threats. Her tactical acumen ensures that she maximizes the effectiveness of her forces and minimizes risks during engagements.
  • Analytical Skills: Vesna possesses strong analytical skills, enabling her to dissect complex information, identify patterns, and draw meaningful conclusions. She is adept at gathering and processing intelligence, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of her adversaries, and leveraging this knowledge to make informed decisions. Her analytical mindset helps her adapt her strategies and tactics based on the evolving circumstances.
  • Problem-Solving Abilities: Vesna demonstrates exceptional problem-solving abilities. She approaches challenges with a solution-oriented mindset, seeking innovative and practical ways to overcome obstacles. She breaks down problems into manageable components, considers alternative approaches, and encourages creative thinking within her team. Vesna's problem-solving skills enable her to overcome unexpected hurdles and find effective solutions even in dire situations.
  • Emotional Intelligence: In addition to her intellectual prowess, Vesna possesses emotional intelligence. She is empathetic, understanding the emotions and motivations of those around her. This allows her to connect with her allies, inspire loyalty, and forge strong relationships. Vesna's emotional intelligence enables her to make decisions that consider the well-being and morale of her team, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie within the Zlatozhita Liberation Front.
  • Continuous Learning: Vesna has a thirst for knowledge and a commitment to continuous learning. She seeks out opportunities to expand her understanding of various subjects, including military strategy, politics, history, and psychology. She values education and experiences as opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. Vesna's dedication to learning ensures that she remains adaptable, open-minded, and well-informed in her role as a leader.



Her title as Knyaginya of Zlatozhita is not recognised by the ocuping Imperial Supremacy of Averland thus she leads the Zlatozhita liberation front working to free her peepole, first from teh laber camps then she aims to free her land, and formaly take her true title.

Religious Views

Vesna holds strong religious views that are deeply intertwined with her role as the leader of the Zlatozhita liberation front. Her devotion to Milani "Everbloom" shapes her worldview and influences her actions and decisions.
Vesna sees religion as a source of inspiration, hope, and strength. She believes that faith in the divine can fuel the resilience and determination needed to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. For her, religion is not confined to the walls of temples or the rituals of organized worship but extends to the daily struggle for justice and freedom.
Vesna's religious views are rooted in the concept of rebellion against oppression. She sees herself and her cause as instruments of divine will, working to restore balance and harmony to the land of Zlatozhita. She believes that Milani has chosen her and the Zlatozhita liberation front to carry out this sacred mission.
While Vesna respects the traditional practices associated with Milani, she often takes a more flexible approach to religious doctrine. She recognizes that her fight for liberation requires adaptability and the use of unconventional tactics. Vesna believes that Milani understands the complexities of the situation and supports her in her quest for justice, even if it means deviating from traditional religious norms.
Vesna's religious views fuel her determination to fight from the shadows, using tactics that others might consider unorthodox or even morally questionable. She sees herself as an instrument of divine justice, willing to do whatever it takes to bring about the downfall of the oppressive empire and free her people.
Ultimately, Vesna's religious views are intertwined with her identity as a resistance leader. She sees herself as a vessel for divine purpose, guided by the principles of hope, rebellion, and freedom. Her faith in Milani empowers her to continue the fight, even in the face of overwhelming odds, and gives her followers the strength to believe in a better future.


She possesses a distinct set of mannerisms that reveal her character and inner strength. Her every movement is purposeful, exuding a sense of grace and dignity befitting her noble status.
In her presence, one can observe her poised and confident demeanor. Vesna carries herself with an air of regality, her posture upright and commanding. Her movements are deliberate and measured, reflecting a careful consideration of her actions and their potential consequences.
Vesna's eyes, sharp and piercing, display a depth of wisdom and resilience. They dart with an intense focus, capturing every detail of her surroundings and those she interacts with. Behind her gaze lies a keen intellect, always evaluating, analyzing, and strategizing.
When engaged in conversation, Vesna's mannerisms exhibit a blend of attentiveness and assertiveness. She listens intently, her head slightly tilted, demonstrating her genuine interest in the words of others. As she speaks, her gestures are purposeful and expressive, emphasizing key points or emphasizing the gravity of a situation.
Her hands, graceful and steady, are a reflection of her poise and control. Whether clasped together in contemplation or gesturing with precision, they convey a sense of authority and conviction. Even in moments of intensity or passion, Vesna's movements remain composed, revealing her disciplined nature.
Vesna's facial expressions are a canvas of emotions, adeptly concealed behind a veneer of stoicism. While her countenance may appear serene and composed, her eyes betray glimpses of the fire that burns within her. They reveal her determination, unwavering resolve, and a flicker of the burden she carries.
In moments of introspection or deep thought, Vesna's brows furrow slightly, a sign of her contemplative nature. She occasionally tilts her head to the side, a gesture of curiosity or consideration. These subtle movements convey her analytical mind and the depths of her introspection.
Despite her noble upbringing and the weight of her responsibilities, Vesna remains grounded and empathetic. She possesses a gentle warmth in her interactions, offering a comforting presence to those who seek her counsel. Her mannerisms reflect a genuine concern for the well-being of others and a desire to make a positive impact.
In summary, Vesna's mannerisms encapsulate her noble bearing, sharp intellect, and resolute spirit. Her graceful movements, attentive gestures, and controlled expressions paint a portrait of a leader who exudes both strength and compassion. Vesna's mannerisms are a testament to her unwavering commitment to her cause and her unwavering dedication to those she protects and fights for.


Vesna Kira Božena Klasarov, known as Knyaginya Vesna or Smertnaya, possesses a distinctive way of speech infused with the enchanting Zernovi accent. Her voice carries a captivating melody, reminiscent of the winds that sweep through the vast plains of Zernovia. Her words are laced with a poetic cadence, as if each sentence is a carefully woven tapestry of emotions and meaning.
When Vesna speaks, her voice resonates with a sense of authority and determination, reflecting her noble lineage and the burdens she carries. There is a subtle undertone of strength and resilience, a testament to the challenges she has faced and the battles she continues to fight.
Her Zernovi accent adds a touch of uniqueness to her speech, with soft yet distinct inflections that reflect the region's cultural heritage. It lends a melodic quality to her words, echoing the rolling hills and flowing rivers of her homeland. The accent imbues her speech with a sense of rootedness, evoking the rich traditions and history of Zernovia.
Vesna's manner of speaking is marked by eloquence and precision. She chooses her words thoughtfully, always mindful of their impact and the messages she wishes to convey. Her sentences are often adorned with vivid imagery, painting a vivid picture in the minds of those who listen. She possesses a keen intellect and articulates her thoughts with clarity and conviction.
In conversation, Vesna's speech is a balance of warmth and solemnity. She can be fiercely passionate, her words ablaze with determination and unwavering resolve. At the same time, she exhibits a profound understanding of the weight of her responsibilities, and her speech carries a certain solemnity that befits her station.
Despite the trials she has endured, Vesna's speech retains a hint of optimism and hope. It is laced with an underlying belief in the power of unity and the potential for change. Her words are a rallying cry, inspiring others to rise above adversity and fight for a better future.
In the tapestry of her speech, Knyaginya Vesna Kira Božena Klasarov weaves together the essence of her noble upbringing, her Zernovi heritage, and the indomitable spirit that drives her. Her way of speaking captivates hearts, stirs souls, and leaves an indelible impression on all who have the privilege of hearing her words.




Towards Milena Natalia Yelena Klasarova


Milena Natalia Yelena Klasarova


Towards Smertidochka




Towards Dmitry Viktor Maxim Klasarov


Dmitry Viktor Maxim Klasarov


Towards Smertidochka


Thalion Silmornen

Ally (Vital)

Towards Smertidochka



Liberator (Important)

Towards Thalion Silmornen


Current Status
Hunting the guilty of plundering Zlatozhita
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
15th Ice 1132
Year of Birth
1132 SC 17 Years old
Dark blue
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light tanned
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Articles under Smertidochka


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