Saltcoast Caverns Geographic Location in Elder Gate | World Anvil
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Saltcoast Caverns

The Saltcoast Caverns are a cave system on the western coast of Tolavir. The cave system itself stretches for miles along the coastline, and dips underground at some points. It is home to a myriad of life that calls the Saltcoast its home. While you can find many life forms here that you would expect to find near the sea, it's also possible to find other things here that one might not expect.
The most common forms of life found in the caves are the fish and crabs that live in the pools at the open mouth of the caves. During high tide, the water fills the mouths of the caves, and the fish and crabs will swim in. They have many paths they can swim through during high tide, but when the tide recedes, the fish are trapped in pools along the inner depths of the caves. High tide also allows for sea urchins, or sea cucumbers to get up to higher points on the cave walls and attach.
The sea life has captured the attention of local wildlife, and has brought mountain lions and bears to the caves to frequently search for food. Occasionally they will leave with a lizard or salamander that is enjoying the cool dark caverns. The water has also brought nutrients with it that have nourished special glowing algae that grows along the insides of the caves. The algae has slowly crept further into the caves, being carried on the feet of salamanders or crabs as the animals move further into the dark recesses for shelter. The illumination from the algae also shows off the mushrooms growing within the moist environment. These Darkcap mushrooms are often used for cooking, and fetch a high price at the marketplace.
Cave System


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