Bomoos Organization in Ekozia | World Anvil


Bomoos is the name of both the region around the settlement Bomoos at the Fenoria Stream, ruled by council and member of the Gamian Group Trade Alliance as well as the main settlement itself.   It is one of the settlements at the edge of the Fenorijten Swamp. Most of its trade comes from wood, piet and animals hunted in the swamplands. As the trade volume is too low to be recognized, Bomoos is only a simple member in the Trade Alliance, not an official Gamiantown.   Agriculture is a difficult topic in the area. There is a good amount of fertile farmland and good pastures in the area, however, the farmers have to combat many difficulties with the local fauna. Some insects tend to infect most lifestock with deseases, which often weakens them and makes them barely suitable for work or for consumption. Additionally, pack of predators roam the swamp and often will attack the herds. Sometimes, even the Bluefeathered Irrwing will scare animals into the swamp, to eat their drowned corpses. Failing that, they like to raid the fields, rooting out the crops.


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