Breaking Condition in Ekkalis | World Anvil
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As blood dribbles from one's soul, sanity crumbled to dust. The world breaks, the mind sinks, and life soon ends.
It is notable that Breaking, a disease that remains through the present day, has several similar consequences to Hypnoid, though it comes from a different range of circumstances.
History of Hypnoid, a Scientific Study


  Breaking is considered an Arcanics-driven disease due to both psychological and physical repercussions. Due to the use of Dark Arcanics shortening the user's lifespan and an unnaturally nearing demise, Breaking results in devastating psychological effects that pour out into the world. It is considered one of the most deadly diseases outside of the Hypnoid epidemic.   Due to the problems that rose around Breakings, Dark Arcanics were eventually banned in practice during the early 4th Cycle. he banning was initially set into motion with the rise of The Faction, however, due to a wave of complaints, it was delayed and replaced with a motion to limit knowledge of Dark Arcanics and restrict usage to small parties of Oath Assassins.


Scientific Name
  • Psychosis
    • Hallucinations
  • Incessant Bloodlust
  • Death
There are no known cures
  • Excessive use of Dark Arcanics
Confirmed Cases
Status: Reduced Occurance


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Cover image: by BrokenJac


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Jun 13, 2020 14:20

Magical diseases are always interesting and I like how you've linked it to the previous article I read, about Oath-Assassins!  


  It is a solid article and well-written, but I feel you could expand on it with some more context. There are bits of pieces, but things like - how are they viewed by society, what are the stories told, what's the education around it? What do those afflicted do, if they retain their sanity?   Additionally, if this is an inevitable fate - why would anyone use Dark Arcanic? Especially since it seem to strike young users disproportionally?   Is there a first known case? Any particularly spectacular detonations? Stuff like that. Since the number of cases seem quite low and those can possibly get it limited, what have the societal implications been? Do people fear all users of magic as ticking timebombs, unfairly or otherwise?  


  I really like the header text at the top, but I would suggest investing in perhaps a more eye-catching header.   On the Statistics side, I would also consider maybe adding another break between the different parts, as they are a bit cramped together right now. This would ruin the beautifully perfect line with both panels ending at the sametime, though!   If you can find some that fits, I would also recommend adding perhaps a picture or two, just to spice things up.   As a general note - that navigating panel on the left is gorgeous!      


As blood dribbles from one's own soul, sanity soon ends. The world breaks, the mind sinks, and life soon ends.
  This is a really good quote, with two tweaks I would make: 1. I'd shorten "from one's own soul" to just "from the soul" 2. You also repeat "soon ends" twice in row. I'd switch one up to prevent reptition.  
It is notable that Breaking, a disease that remains through the present day, has several similar consequences to Hypnoid though comes from a different range of circumstances.
  I would consider changing this quote into something more immediate about the condition of Breaking. If the readers aren't familiar with the Hypnoid stuff or the history of the setting, the quote doesn't tell me much about either the setting or the disease. I'd consider rethinking it a bit - something about its impact on your setting and world, or something about the disease that can pull your reader right into wanting to know aout this scary thing.   Also, shouldn't it be "though it comes from"?   Also also, isn't that circumstance always Dark Arcanics? It's what the Cause says right on the side bar, but that line seems to contradict it.  
Breaking is technically considered an Arcanics-driven disease due to both psychological and physical repercussions.
  Is there a reason you use the term "technically" here?   The sentence is a little strange in that I don't usually think about a condition with those reprocussions as being uniquely "Arcane", and after the very strong sub-title, it feels like it's lacking a little in excitement. It might serve you better to focus on an evocative first line here to draw your reader in and ignite their interest.  
Caused by a nearing demise, due to the effects of Dark Arcanics,
  The way the sentence is structured here is a little clunky. I assume it means that you get breaking from almost dying due to the effects of Dark Arcanis, but it's a little unclear.   In addition, it isn't clear if you mean because someone blasted you with dark arcanics or that you yourself used it (like the side panel Statistics suggest).  
Breaking results in devastating psychological effects that pour out into the world.
  Now this sounds very interesting, though I would consider maybe rephrase it - instead of just saying devastating, maybe show. Show how the madness of the suffered creeps into the world around them, just in some short overview way to get us hooked.  
It is considered one of the most deadly diseases outside of the Hypnoid epidemic.
  In terms of fatality rate, maybe, but with 1591 confirmed cases, it doesn't seem all that lethal. Maybe most feared, or most feared among arcanists?  
Due to the problems that rose around Breakings
  That seem like a mild way of putting it with people exploding. :D  
The delayed banning was initially set into motion with the rise of The Faction, however, the banning was replaced with limited knowledge and usage by small parties of Oath Assassins.
  This sentence is a little hard to follow - why are you calling it a delayed banning? First time I read it, it sounded like the Faction were calling for the delay. Since you don't talk about why it was delayed in any detail, it is a candidate for getting pruned to shorten things.   Is "The Faction" a placeholder name? It's a bit generic compared to something like "the Oath-Assassins", so it stands out.  
Following a wide breakout around the end of the Second Cycle, a small study was launched proving that Breaking is brought on by excessive use of Dark Arcanics.
  This is more a question of placement, but the way its written, it sounds like it would be better suited in a history secton. It raises questions about what happened then and what was the study and aftermath like, which would be better answered outside the Causes header.  
Due to the known effect of Dark Arcanics, being the shortening of the user's lifespan, it is presumed that the more time is spent, the sooner a Breaking may arise
  "being the shotening of the user's lifespan" feels like it's inserted into the middle of the sentence there with a bit of a clunk. I'd consider rewriting it so it flows more. Maybe something like "Due to the effects that Dark Arcanis has on the user's lifespan, it is presumed" or something.  
While never proven, it is thought that Breakings will happen several days before the time a user of Dark Arcanics would die, only occurring to users who have taken decades worth of their own life.
  Believed or theorized might be a stronger word than "thought"   Why several days before? Why not on the day?   Additional, the last bit: "only occuring to users who have taken decades worth of their own life" feels a bit extranous, and the sentence is a bit long at 35 words. Is it not true even if you are old and have months to life, and start tossing around Dark Arcanis?  
Dark Arcanics results in a greater chance at having a Breaking.
  Shouldn't it be "of having a Breaking"?  
The expected reasoning behind this is that males, on average, are
  Personally, I find the double-comma inserts like that to add a bit of a trip in a sentence. It might be worthwhile considering smoothing it out with something like "that males are on average less opposed".    
He was fine before he left, but when he did leave he mumbled something about someone coming. Loque also was in a right state, scratching at his skin as he rode away.
  This one is a bit odd - she says he was fine, but then also that he wasn't? Additionally, "Loque also was" instead of "was in" or "was also in" read a bit odd  
Each is generally a small tick, overlooked until it's too late to do anything.
  This is a flow of information thing, but the tooltip there mentions a destruction that we don't know anything about yet.  
The most easily identifiable include a growing sense of paranoia as well as the occasional hallucination, both of which will continue to grow prior to a complete Break.
  I'd consider condensing "most easily identifiable" down to something more punchy - the most dire, or most apparent, for example.  
Due to the nature of a Breaking, there are Pyschological and Exterior Physical symptoms
  This feels like it could be collapsed into the prior sentence. "there are two categories of symptomsM psychological and exterior physical.   There are also a typo there: 'Pyschological'   There's also no explaination about what exterior physical symptoms are, despite being the most interesting part of it to me.  
The main effects of a Breaking are psychological, making the experience all the more difficult to control.
  You kind of repeat yourself a bit here "main categories", "main effect". If this is more main than the other, that's also a little contradictory to the above.   Additionally, "the experience" is a bit vague - what experience?  
Gradually creeping up on those prepared to Break, their psychological state deteriorates in a general pattern; most often, this includes a sense of paranoia onset by hallucinations of "red spirits."
  This reads a little weird. It also seem to mix a couple of different ideas (can you prepare to break?)   You could also consider moving everything after the semicolon to its own sentence instead.   Also worth mentioning something, maybe in a quote, about what these red spirits are, since I don't think they are mentioned anywhere else.  
While many will completely break down and experience other hallucinations, some of the afflicted are known to be able to act fairly normally until their demise.
  Other hallucinations other than the red spirits?   This part is a little strange too - I imagine seeing red spirits is also plenty for some people to crack, not to mention the paranoia. :)   It might also be better to use some other phrase than "break down", due to the name of the affliction.  
  I'm not sure why this is in a quote here and the effect could use with some more flair or description. It's a little strange to call them physical symptoms, when you are really talking about the world changing around them (usually with explosions?)   It's also not what I expected at first: I thought it would have wider reality-warping effects, but from reading this part, it seem that the symptom is really an explosion?   Last, it's hard to track the time here. "Soon after this, the Breaking leads to massive wave of destructive power" seem to indicate some immediacy. What is the time frame here?  
Many who Break describe a similar sense of tension built up in their body, a power similar to how using Dark Arcanics feels when used.
  You use similar twice in row here, and you say "similar sense of tension" without really explaining what it's similar to. The second part of the sentence almost feels like its own thing, the way it's written now.   Exactly how massive is this massive wave of destructive energy? How dangerous is it? Are we talking a house, a block, a city, a mountain?   Secondly, when I think sheer destructive power, I don't generally think "gusts of wind". Hurricanes and such are very destructive, but the way it is phrased makes it sound more like a power-bomb going off, sheer energy-like.  
Most often, this release of energy results in the death of the afflicted in the following hour; however, should the afflicted be able to take in enough energy from Bloodstones, they can survive for an extended period of time.
  This sentence is a touch long at 49 words. You also use afflicted very close together (and again in the next sentence)   I'm also curious why young people explode more than old ones. I would have first assumed that the scale of destruction had something to do with the amount of Dark Arcanis abused, initially?  
While there isn't any form of cure for Breaking, there are methods of temporary treatment and prevention. These include a range of different actions, both to keep the afflicted safe for a peaceful death, prevent contracting the disease, and the prevention of massive damage.
  In the text just above this, you also start the sentence with "while"  
These include a range of different actions, both to keep the afflicted safe for a peaceful death, prevent contracting the disease, and the prevention of massive damage.
  You repeat "prevent" twice in row here. I would switch one up to avoid repetition.   Additionally, it is contradicted below - you can't really prevent getting the disease. You just have to not use the vector for it, which I feel isn't quite the same.  
Be wary of those afflicted by the Breaking. They aren't in the space of mind, many of them willing to kill anyone to extend their own life.
  People generally are willing to kill to extend their own lives, but how does murder help those afflicted with Breaking? :)  
The main method of treatment is the use of Bloodstones to restore fractional amounts of energy to the afflicted
  "fractional amounts of energy" is a bit of an odd phrase - I assume you mean fractions of lost energy or something like that, but it reads a bit strange. I don't know if I've seen fractional used like that before.   Also, it would probably be a good idea to have some sort of short description of what a bloodstone is, since you mention them a bit.  
Only those with the most psychological symptoms tend to seek out this, the remaining population aware of their irreversible demise.
  Grim!   Also, which remaining population? Of afflicted? Why would they not seek out help? What do they do instead?   Do some of them become so deranged that they don't know what to do?  
There is only one known method of prevention: not using Dark Arcanics. Since the disease has been confirmed to result from overuse of Dark Arcanics, the only way to prevent Breaking is not using said form of Arcanics.
  There's a bit of a conflict here - the first line seem to suggest any use of Dark Arcanic will irrevocably doom you (which might very well be the party line), while later uses the term "overuse", suggesting there's a limit after which you are in danger.   Secondly "Since the disease has been confirmed to result from overuse of Dark Arcanics, the only way to prevent Breaking is not using said form of Arcanics."   This kind of repeats itself without adding anything - I'd consider rewriting it and punching it up. :)   Phew!   Great stuff, Jac! :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jun 13, 2020 17:53 by Jacob Billings

Wow! Thanks for the in-depth feedback, though, I will admit, it's a bit daunting to go through. I'm going to, as I look through the suggestions, rebut anything that technically is correct and probably just needs some clarification.  

how are they viewed by society, what are the stories told, what's the education around it?
  I'm not including such information due to this disease being virtually eradicated before the setting of most of my written projects. However, based on the low case count, the disease wouldn't have had any such effect.  
What do those afflicted do, if they retain their sanity?
  It's virtually impossible to do so fully. However, those who retain a semblance of sanity, they will likely give into to their death rather than cause further destruction. I, personally, don't feel that it's worth inclusion in the article.  
Additionally, if this is an inevitable fate - why would anyone use Dark Arcanic? Especially since it seem to strike young users disproportionally?
  I think I already added clarification in the edit, but it's because the Oath Assassins feel personally removed from the problem and therefore wish to use the magic. Additionally, the case rate is fairly low as the number of cases occurred over several centuries.  
If you can find some that fits, I would also recommend adding perhaps a picture or two, just to spice things up.
  In regard to this and the previous comment, I personally am comfortable with the design I have going at the moment and just don't like the inclusion of pictures. At least not in my own articles.  
As blood dribbles from one's own soul, sanity soon ends. The world breaks, the mind sinks, and life soon ends.
  This uses epistrophe. It clearly didn't work so it'll be gone soon.  
It is notable that Breaking, a disease that remains through the present day, has several similar consequences to Hypnoid though comes from a different range of circumstances.
  I'm okay with that as this is just meant to be a slight tease to the article coming up.   The idea is that the quote comes from a book focused on Hypnoid, so they do know the consequence to some degree but don't need to mention it.   Yep, thanks.  
It is considered one of the most deadly diseases outside of the Hypnoid epidemic.
  It's considered deadly because of the fact the afflicted can wipe out literally tons of people single-handed. Thus, each case is associated with around 20-40 additional deaths making it have a hugely disproportionate case to fatality rate.  
Be wary of those afflicted by the Breaking. They aren't in the space of mind, many of them willing to kill anyone to extend their own life.
  This is a quote so it's later explained, did you pick up on that? If not, it's because the death of humans generate Bloodstones which can be used to extend the life of the afflicted.  
Is "The Faction" a placeholder name? It's a bit generic compared to something like "the Oath-Assassins", so it stands out.
  "The Faction" isn't a placeholder. It's because the assassination organization, the Assassins' Guild, was the focus here as the faction was being built up on the side. Thus, the name is mostly overlooked. It'll probably have a nickname in-world once I make that article.  
Following a wide breakout around the end of the Second Cycle, a small study was launched proving that Breaking is brought on by excessive use of Dark Arcanics.
  I don't have a history section as that's not an important piece of the writing.  
Why several days before? Why not on the day?
  It's because symptoms slowly build up before the final Breaking.  
Is it not true even if you are old and have months to life, and start tossing around Dark Arcanis?
  Based on statistical analysis in-world, the older people will generally not contract a Breaking due to not having used it excessively.  
"that males are on average less opposed".
  Uhh. That's not grammatically correct though.  
He was fine before he left, but when he did leave he mumbled something about someone coming. Loque also was in a right state, scratching at his skin as he rode away.
  This is a direct quote from a different written work I'm writing at the moment so it will change latter. However, the comment highlights that he was fine "before" he left later mentioning that "as" he left he was off.  
There's also no explanation about what exterior physical symptoms are, despite being the most interesting part of it to me.
  Uhh, did the "Physical" Section not fully answer your questions? I tend to summarize and then explain later.  
  There are a few key things to note here from your comments. Firstly, this is an ALOUD meaning it's there to emphasize a piece of information more.   I should alter it a bit. The consequences are not actually explosions in the physical sense, rather an "explosion" of power. The effect of which can vary from literally turning the ground to dust, stealing the life way from the flora, or even turning the sky into fire. I'll try to add more when evening out the article again.   The timeframe varies. Generally, however, it's a few hours following the beginning. Those who are able to survive the leakage of energy will only last another hour or two unless collecting more Bloodstones.  
Many who Break describe a similar sense of tension built up in their body, a power similar to how using Dark Arcanics feels when used.
  Similar, as in the same feeling for all of them. It's a relation of record not a similarity to an outside experience. This is key because a lot of the other symptoms greatly vary. I'll separate the second half into a new sentence.  
Exactly how massive is this massive wave of destructive energy? How dangerous is it? Are we talking a house, a block, a city, a mountain?
  It varies. Generaly, however, it's around the size of a larger town.  
I'm also curious why young people explode more than old ones. I would have first assumed that the scale of destruction had something to do with the amount of Dark Arcanis abused, initially?
  It's because they have used more Dark Arcanics and thus have more cost enacted upon them. I think I might steal that as, at the moment, I don't have any sort of reasoning behind it yet.  
The main method of treatment is the use of Bloodstones to restore fractional amounts of energy to the afflicted
  If you have a replacement for "Fractional" I'm all ears. I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.   Also, Bloodstones should be published so you should be able to hover for the excerpt?   Whew. That was a lot of content to sift through. Hopefully my corrections and explanations fix everything you noticed. Thanks a bunch for the comment.

Jun 13, 2020 15:23 by Sloqush

The third time is the charm, so here we go right into the feedback.  

Spelling and Grammar

As blood dribbles from one's own soul, sanity soon ends. The world breaks, the mind sinks, and life soon ends.
  The repeated use of "soon ends" feels a bit off to me. Maybe replace the first instance with "and sanity crumbles".  
has several similar consequences   ~ Opening Quote
  I feel "symptoms" would fit here better than "consequences".  
Halusinations   ~ Statistics
diseases outside of the...   ~ Overview
  I would tend to use disease "apart from" the.., thought that might be up to personal preferences.  
The delayed banning was initially set into motion...   ~ Overview
  Something with that sentence feels kinda off to me. Why was the banning delayed?  
the banning was replaced with limited knowledge and usage by small parties of Oath Assassins.   ~ Overview
  I get what you mean with that sentence, yet it still feels kinda difficult to understand. So you might wanna reword it. My suggestion would be something along the following line: "however, the ban was not all-encompassing, with a small number of Oath Assassins being allowed to retain limited knowledge about it."  
Following a wide breakout...   ~ Causes
  Maybe use "large" instead of "wide".  
...a small study was launched proving that Breaking is brought on...   ~ Causes
  Maybe reword to "launched which proved that Breaking..."  
The following list of conditions are based on hypothesis as the exact conditions for one to Break are unknown.   ~ Conditions
  "is based" instead of "are based"/ conditions "which cause" one to Break. Also maybe an "Enter" after the sentence to get the text more in line with the rest.  
The hypothesis was made using statistics based...   ~ Condition
  Rewording suggestion: "The hypothesis was based on the statistical analysis of..."  
Due to the known effect of Dark Arcanics, being the shortening of...   ~ Causes
  Rewording suggestion: "Due to the usage of Dark Arcanis being known to shorten the user's lifespan"  
that the more time is spent, the sooner a Breaking may arise   ~ Causes
  Maybe use: "lifetime" instead of "time"/ "may occur" instead of "may arise"  
before the time a user of Dark Arcanics would die, only occurring to users who have taken decades worth of...   ~ Causes
  Rewording suggestion: a user of Dark Arcanis "would naturally expire, therefore only occurring" to users who "have used up" decades...  
Statistically, the roughly thousand cases have generally fallen into   ~Age
  Rewording suggestion: Statistically, most of the known cases of breaking have fallen...  
Extracted from this data,   ~ Age
  Maybe use "According to this data, "  
of those afflicted by a Breaking   ~ Gender
  "afflicted by Breaking"  
The expected reasoning behind this is that males, on average, are less opposed to the use of Dark Arcanics than females.   ~ Gender
  I'm assuming that you are talking about humans here, so I would replace males and females with "men" and "women".  
Loque also was in a right state
  "is being in the right state" an actual saying? I never heard of it, so I am unsure if there is even anything to correct here.  
both of which will continue to grow prior to a complete Break.   ~ Warning signs
  Rewording suggestion: "will increase in intensity" instead of "continue to grow"  
Among the many symptoms of Breaking, there are two main categories of symptoms that arise   ~ Symptoms
  The sentence seems a bit wordy(?), also there are only psychological and physical symptoms, right? So something along the lines of "The symptoms of Breaking can be classified into two different categories." should suffice.  
Gradually creeping up on those prepared to Break,   ~Psychological
  I would use those "about" to, as "prepared" implies that they know that it's happening before the onset of the symptoms.  
enough energy from Bloodstones, they can survive for an extended period of time.   ~ Physical
  It seems a bit jarring, given that Loque was a famous case and he didn't even survive for a whole week, which doesn't sound like an extended period of time, so I would suggest rewording to something like "they can survive for just a little bit longer."  
prevent contracting the disease, and the prevention of massive damage.   ~ Cures, Treatment, Prevention
  I thought Breaking only happens due to the overuse of Dark Arcanis, so it shouldn't be infectious right? Or does the presence of a breaking individual induce Breaking in other Dark Arcanis users?.   Also maybe change "massive damage" to "collateral damage"?  
the remaining population aware of their irreversible demise.   ~ Treatment
  Maybe "remaining patients" fit a bit better here, as population sounds a bit too broad to me (also including non-Arcanis users).  
This treatment allows the afflicted to continue to survive following the release of their final bits of power.   ~ Treatment
  I think that is pretty clear from the previous sentence (Bloodstones restore energy) so you could cut this sentence if you want.  
There is only one known method of prevention: not using Dark Arcanics. Since the disease has been confirmed to result from overuse of Dark Arcanics, the only way to prevent Breaking is not using said form of Arcanics. ~ Prevention
  This seems a bit wordy, as both sentences say pretty much the exact same thing. So I would personally just remove the first sentence.  

Article Structure

  Having looked at your article I can see where you are coming from in your other feedbacks. The use of containers, quotes, and columns is done quite expertly and creates a visually pleasing aesthetic for the article.   Only the "Condition" box doesn't perfectly aline with the text beside it, but I think that should be easily fixable. Apart from this minor point, I don't see anything to critique apart from maybe the lack of images, but that is very well a style choice so that's more a nice to have feature than anything else.  


  A nifty little disease that one gets if one burns up too much of one's own life force. The article is well fleshed out and nicely explains everything important about the condition, which one can easily understand even if one is not familiar with the magic system in your world.  

Sloqush's random suggestions

  As I wrote in the other feedbacks, I like to add music to my world in order to assist with shaping the mood of an article. I haven't done that for diseases yet and I also have no idea for a song that would fit "Breaking" but could still be something to keep in mind once one stumbles across a fitting song :D   Like my other feedbacks, I am gonna end this with a quote that I came up with while reading the article, again you are free to use it for whatever you want :D  
We theorize that Breaking is caused by the dawning of the user's demise, yet sadly the dead aren't very forthcoming about their intended time of death.

Author of Cenorad ; a bleak-dark sandbox of creativity.
Jun 13, 2020 16:51 by Jacob Billings

Thanks for the feedback. Some of it doesn't quite fit into the world's context so I'll rebut those thoughts and then everything else will be soon implemented.  

Spelling and Suggestions

As blood dribbles from one's own soul, sanity soon ends. The world breaks, the mind sinks, and life soon ends.
  There is actually the use of epistrophe here. I clearly falls flat so I'm going to go ahead and change it but figured I would mention the reason it was there in the first place.  
has several similar consequences
  I say consequences as, based on the comparison, they don't have similar symptoms, but the two mentioned diseases have similar outcomes following the "end" of the illness  
diseases outside of the...
  That's a personal preference for sure, but I happen to agree so thanks for that.  
The delayed banning was initially set into motion...
  It's because of disagreements by those who were using it as, at the time, the connection was still mainly unconfirmed to be real and Breakings happened so infrequently that the Oath Assassins who used Dark Arcanics felt distanced from the problem. [I'll throw more information in the article.  
Following a wide breakout...
  I think I mean "widespread"  
Loque also was in a right state
  I'm also not sure if it's an actual phrase. It's a direct line from a novelette though, so I'll be updated that as I edit the novelette.  
Among the many symptoms of Breaking, there are two main categories of symptoms that arise
  I write really wordy, so yes. It is very wordy, so I'll fix it  
enough energy from Bloodstones, they can survive for an extended period of time.
  I meant extended in reference to the standard duration. I will clarify in-article  
prevent contracting the disease, and the prevention of massive damage.
  Things were a bit weird here. The list items are disassociated meaning "prevent contracting the disease" has nothing to do with the other items as its inclusion on the list only means that they are attempting to prevent anyone from contracting the disease in the beginning.  
This treatment allows the afflicted to continue to survive following the release of their final bits of power.
  Where I can get away with it, I repeat information occasionally to get things to line up. I'll remove it unless I have to re-add it for the sake of lining everything up.   --  
As I wrote in the other feedbacks, I like to add music to my world in order to assist with shaping the mood of an article. I haven't done that for diseases yet and I also have no idea for a song that would fit "Breaking" but could still be something to keep in mind once one stumbles across a fitting song :D
  I can see why but, just like with the images, I personally am comfortable with the creation of my world to not include music.   Thanks for the suggestions. I've implemented them and will fully save them after I go through Q's as well.

Jun 13, 2020 23:28 by R. Dylon Elder

First off, ooof. That subheading. I love how thematic it is.   " the user's lifepsace and an unnaturally nearing demise," is it lifespan? on another note, you mention how its considered an arcanic driven condition due to phychological symptoms. It makes me wonder how normal disorders fit in this world, if they dont already fit in normally.   excellent touch on adding statistics of gender and age groups. adds a sense of realism.     little error here. "mentioned is the appearance "red spirits" brining death in their wake." I assume you mean bringing, as death being salted in water in the wake of read spirits doesnt sound all that bad... well, then again... hmm...   "Be wary of those afflicted by the Breaking. They aren't in the space of mind, " So this makes me wonder if lifespace is correct earlier. Is this perhaps an in world term or is this a typo?   magic is a bit scary in this world. OOf . death just because of a little dark art dabbling? XD I enjoyed this alot. its a neat little condition. May want to look into these bloodstones as well. they sound interesting.

Jun 14, 2020 00:00 by Jacob Billings

Nope. That's a typo from the many edits from before.   That's a good question. I've not really thought about it, so I probably should write a generic article on disorders and their place in society.   Ahh yes. The greatest of hallucinations: those that bring salted water in the wake of their paths. My very favorite.   It's important to note, that this is just a possible consequence. However, those who dabble in this magic are literally turning their lives in for a touch of power. Thanks for the comment :)

Jun 14, 2020 00:10 by R. Dylon Elder

No problem at all! its not much, but more will come. Have a few notifications from you.

Jun 14, 2020 09:33 by Eidal (former Etalia) Louwatt

Such a great article here Jac!  


I love the overall structure. You make good use of headers, columns and the sidebars. It is very easy to read and flows well. I do have two comments here though:   The text box just underneath the 'Causes' header kinda just cuts between the two sidebar boxes which feels a bit clunky.   The last two sections, Prevention and Damage Prevention, feels a bit overtaken by the big textbox in between. Maybe flesh out those two bits so the box doesn't take up as much space?  

Spelling and Grammar

I was gonna comment on the hallucination spelling in the sidebar but seems like you fixed it already before I had time to post this haha Apart from that I can't see any blatant typos or mistakes that pop out to me and since I'm not a native English speaker I won't try and comment on more detailed things.  


So this kind of goes into both content and structure: I felt like the first almost half of the article talked about Breaking but without anything about what it actually is. It distracted me from what was actually being said as I didn't really have anything to attach the info to. I would honestly suggestion switching places on Causes and Symptoms for this.   The illness itself is super interesting. I love when magic have this kind of repercussions! You do a great job of mixing fact with quotes to convey the feeling of the disease as well as the actual info. There is obviously a lot that could be expanded upon if you wanted but I personally like that it is kept short-ish and to the point so I can actually read and remember things!

Jun 14, 2020 16:46 by Jacob Billings

Thanks so much :)   As far as the formatting issues go, I'll see what I can do, but I don't think I can do too much since I can't think of how to extended the writing to maintain an alignment.   People already had a lot of grammar/spelling suggestions, so no problem :)   I'll switch those. I think I'd written it out of order in my first article and then referenced that as a template so I probably just overlooked the flow of information and all logic there.   Thanks. I thought it would be an interesting consequence to this specific form of magic since the other forms have slightly less effect on the user. I could probably add a history and famous cases section, but I feel like the direct content here is crafted well enough.   Thanks for the comment :D