Lord Vitmiris Strongheart Character in Ekaia | World Anvil
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Lord Vitmiris Strongheart

Vitmiris Strongheart is lord of the Vundkragi city of Bluffholt as of EL 964. His wife, whom he married in 942, is Lady Helja Hammerhand, and they have an adopted son and daughter: Berdend (born 949) and Torbera (990).   Vitmiris is known to be very personable and empathetic but also strict, which he cites as a result of his split heritage: he learned how to understand different viewpoints while still remaining on the outside of things. Vitmiris has a great devotion to Marosk but also to Lekatash, and one of his first actions when he assumed lordship was to oversee a renovation and expansion of the temple to Lekatash in Bluffholt.   Since the beginning, the ruling family of Bluffholt has been dwarven. However, Vitmiris's father, Vitmennick Strongheart, married a human woman, Metreshka Intrin, and Vitmiris was their only child. Metreshka passed away many years ago. Vitmennick's younger brother Vitmedrin is next in line for lordship.
Current Location
Year of Birth
881 EL 146 Years old
Ruled Locations

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