King Merald Fairfell Character in Ekaia | World Anvil
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King Merald Fairfell

Merald Fairfell was king of Jeltir from EL 981 to his death in 993. He was born in 938 to King Lirio and Queen Coletta Fairfell, and was the elder brother of Princess Sienna and Prince Theodore. He married Ylva Witherton of Saldim in 971 and fathered King Talesan Fairfell, Prince Oric, Prince Zuros, Prince Nisefas, Prince Rimardo, Princess Kemma, and Princess Emiri. He was an accomplished warrior in his youth, though he sustained an injury during training at the age of 23 that continued to vex him throughout his life.   King Merald ruled in an age of peace and was known as a wise and benevolent king. In 989, he was suddenly stricken with a disease that damaged his immune system, and although the skilled clerics of Hemejdd eventually were able to force this disease into remission, he was sickly from then until his death four years later at the age of 54.
Date of Birth
31 December 938
Date of Death
19 November 993
938 EL 993 EL 55 years old

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