Priest Profession in Ehrto | World Anvil


Priests and priestesses are ordained teachers and ministers of a deity or religion. They are often charged with maintaining temples and shrines as well as conducting and leading rituals. A priest's position and power vary from religion-to-religion and temple-to-temple. Many are devoted to a single deity while others serve a group of deities or even an entire pantheon.   As part of their ordination, most priests are taught rites and prayers that are able to draw upon a deity's power. These rituals are typically of minor power and only work in consecrated/holy places. Priests can call upon a deity outside of a deity's holy spaces, but there is no guarantee that their prayers will be heard and answered. Success is greatly dependent upon the faith of the priest and the worthiness of their request.   While some priests devote their life in service to their patron deity/deities, others serve higher powers in concert with a profession and/or raising a family. Those that devote their life to serving a single deity are often seeking to be elevated to the status of Cleric.


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