Ape Species in Edt' Maji | World Anvil
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Apes are a race of beastfolk who inhabit Maji. They can take an appearance similar to a variety of different primates. They are often looked past when considering the major races of Maji, although being shown as a significant force within the world on multiple occasions.


Main Articles: Isle of Gool & Togayung   Apes originally hail from the continent of Africa on Earth. There, they had adapted to the various environments dotting the continent, such as savannas and jungles. Eventually, they would become the sole race of beastfolk to migrate to Maji along with many forms of Godkin. Since then, they have gone extinct on Earth, being wiped out by the humans that lived there.   On Maji, the apes quickly settled the Isle of Gool, one of the islands making up the continent of Tropicosia. The Isle of Gool is almost entirely covered by rainforests with a few exceptions. Notably, the Northern region of the island is covered in vast swampland while the Eastern and Western coasts are covered by deciduous forests, being cooled by winds coming from the North. The central region of the island, where the vast majority of the rainforests are, is blocked by mountains on both the East and the West, making it a very isolated region.   Eventually, the apes would come settle the continent of Togayung as well. Togayung is very similar to the Isle of Gool in the range of environments found there. Swamps can be found in the South and deciduous forests in the North with a vast rainforest inbetween. Eventually, the majority of Togayung would be covered by wastelands, making larges regions of the continent unlivable. The majority of apes have since returned to the Isle of Gool, with only small populations remaining on Togayung.


Appearing like primates, all apes have a very similar body plan to that of godkin. Major differences do exist, such as their feet, which feature opposable thumbs alongside their hands. All apes are also covered in a thick fur coat and have many features causing them to resemble traditional great apes or monkeys, rather than godkin.   One interesting aspect of ape biology are their breeds. When an ape is born, the form they take is dependent on the position of the stars at their time of birth. There are three major ape breeds, each one vastly changing the appearance and behavior of the individual. The three major breeds of ape goes as follows:


Chimps are the smartest and most human-like of all the ape breeds. They stand from five to six feet tall on average and have a build very similar to that of men. Due to their higher intelligence, chimps are usually seen to take leadership roles within ape society, often serving within government, as record keepers, or as diplomats traveling to other lands.   Although they are more intelligent that the other breeds of ape, their intelligence is still generally inferior to that of godkin. Chimps recognize this and will often dress and behave similarly to godkin, especially Spies, in an attempt to appear more intelligent. They will even go as far as completely shaving their body hair and copying the mannerisms of godkin.


Simians are the in-between breed when it comes to intelligence. They are by far the most numerous of the apes and can take a variety of appearances. They come in many colors and can take the appearance of all types of different monkeys, lemurs, and other lesser primates. They are the shortest of the breeds, only reaching sizes of three to four feet in height. They are also the only of the apes to possess a tail; this may or may not be a prehensile tail, depending of the form the simian takes.   Simians often take the role of commoners within ape society, having jobs such as farmers, general store workers, and soldiers. They are the backbone of ape society.


Gorillas are the most beast-like of the ape breeds. They are huge, hulking brutes who stand anywhere from eight to ten feet tall when on all fours. Unlikely the chimps and simians, gorillas are almost entirely quadrupedal, supporting their weight on their bare knuckles. With very few exceptions, gorillas lack higher intelligence and are normally used as beasts of burden within ape societies, being used in place of horses or cattle. They are also notable for their use within warfare; gorillas make very powerful warriors due to their huge size, strength, and durability.


Orangs are a little known and rare breed of ape. They are medium in size, in between that of chimps and the hulking gorillas, standing around six to seven feet tall when upright, but are often seen low to the ground, being mostly quadrupedal like the gorillas. One of their most defining physical characteristics are their long, orange hair and the facial disks the males possess. They are also the most acrobatic of the ape breeds, being able to climb obstacles with ease; this ability is often seen in their day to day life, where they prefer to live in high places than on the ground.   Orangs are thought of as the wisest and most spiritually in tune of the ape breeds, often serving as priests or philosophers within ape society.


Due to their homeland, ape cultural is naturally split into many different tribes, largely isolated from one another. Their culture can be divided into two main groups, the cultural of the apes within large cities, usually on the coasts of the island, and the many cultures of the various tribes found deep within the jungle. The apes who live within cities have widely adopted the culture of the Spies, as the apes have always been loyal to the Imperial Spy Empire for as long as it has stood, giving them the common name of "imperial apes."   There still are differences within their cultures. Apes, for instance, prefer a much more democratic system of rule, in which a king rules, but can be legally removed from power by the people and a new king elected. Another difference is the fact that, whenever possible, apes prefer not to build their own cities and homes, rather occupying the ruins left behind by ancient civilizations. When necessary, apes will build their own homes and cities, but they are often shabby, making using of naturally occurring structures for support, such as tree and boulders.   Many different cultures exist throughout the jungle. These apes are generally known as "feral apes" and are considered highly dangerous by outsiders. Because of their hostility, very little is known about cultural habits of feral apes, many scholars choosing to leave them alone, rather than study them.


Main Article: Pantheon of Men   The imperial apes have almost entirely adopted the Pantheon of Men from the Spies, often focusing on the worship of Kis due to her relation to nature, a subject many apes are deeply connected with. Temples to the various gods within the pantheon can be found throughout the cities of apes, meant for worship by both travelers and locals alike.   The religion of feral apes is a very different story, however. Little is known about what they worship, although it seems to differ depending on tribe. The various tribes of feral apes seem to also follow a variety of seperate, primitive religions, often worshiping animals and natural phenomenon.

Ape Names

Apes are rarely seen using family names, instead they are only given a single name when born; this name is often shared between siblings and other family members. Apes of importance, enough so that a surname would be necessary, are often granted a title, either by themselves or others. This title is often based upon feats, traits, or other important aspects of their life history.   Ape Names: Ai, Bobo, Bonbon, Boo, Caca, Darg, Dood, Ei, Foo, Fumfum, Har, Kar, Kiki, Lee, Leeloo, Monnon, Nini, Oog, Ook, Peepee, Pon, Poopoo, Tada, Tutu, Uug, Voo, Weewee, Woa, Zar, Zeezee   Ape Titles: the Clerk, the Ebonhand, the Highlander, the Man, the Naughty, the Piercing Eyes, the Roarer, the Steady, the Sufficient, the Unmentioned, the Unwavering, the Windrime, the Withdrawn, the World-Weary, the Worm

Notable Apes

  • Chipong Wilop
60 yr
Geographic Distribution


Chimps are the most human-like of the apes, a race of beastfolk hailing from the continent of Tropicosia. Within ape societies, Chimps usually take leadership roles. They often mimic the fashion, mannerisms, and general appearance of other races, especially men, to appear better suited as leaders as well as to appear more civilized to outsiders.
ability score increase: +1 DEX, +2 CHA
age: Apes reach maturity around the age of 16 and live to the age of 60
alignment: Lawful Good
Size: Medium
speed: 25ft, climb 20ft
Languages: Common, Ape
race features:
High Society. Chimps often serve as leaders or nobles within ape society. You are often assumed to be someone of importance and are rarely unwelcome in high society.   Imitation of Man. Years of mimicking the mannerisms and appearance of men has paid off. You have advantage whenever making a persuasion or performance check against a member of the race of men.   Mimicry. Chimps can mimic just about anything, from the sounds of animals to the voices of people. By listening to a sound for at least 12 seconds, you can attempt to mimic it. The target must succeed a wisdom saving throw of DC12 to avoid being fooled by the attempt.   Chimp Combat Training. You are proficient with the club, quarterstaff, rapier, and longbow.   Tool Proficiency. You are proficient with the tools of your choice: calligrapher's supplies, forgery kit, or a gaming set of your choice.


Simians are the most numerous of the apes. They can take a variety of appearances, from that of a monkey to that of a lemur. Most possess a tail, which may or may not be prehensile. Simians often take role as commoners with ape society, having jobs such as farmers, general store workers, and soldiers. They are the backbone of ape society.
ability score increase: +3 DEX
age: Apes reach maturity around the age of 16 and live to the age of 60
alignment: Chaotic Good
Size: Small
speed: 35ft, climb 30ft
Languages: Ape
race features:
Low Intelligence. Simians are not the smartest of creatures, but their strength often makes up for that. You have disadvantage on all intelligence saving throws, but gain advantage on all strength saving throws.   Monkey Business. Simians are naturally agile and nimble. You are proficient in the acrobatics skill.   A Nasty Surprise. Once per long rest, you can attempt to throw your poop at a target (range 15/45). Add your dexterity modifier to your attack roll. Targets hit by the attack take 1d4 poison damage are disoriented for 2 turns, rolling disadvantage on all attack rolls. The target can spend an action cleaning themselves and removing the effect for the next turn. Additionally, if you are carrying any disease, that disease will be spread to the target within reason.   Fight or Flight. A simian’s primal urges will reveal themselves during a fight. Once per short rest, you can choose to increase your walking speed to 50ft and your climbing speed to 40ft for 1 turn at the cost of rolling disadvantage on all attack rolls for the next 3 turns.   Prehensile Tail. Many simians have a prehensile tail. If you have a prehensile tail, it can be used to hold objects, shields, and any weapons with the light property, effectively serving as a third arm. Shields and weapons held by your tail function as normal, while keeping your hands free.  


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