Sleipwyrm Species in Edda | World Anvil
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Sleipwyrm (Slip-worm)

While it's extraordinarily rare to see one on the Material Plane, especially a tamed one, on the Plane of Mysticism many farmers or transporters of the various monstrous kingdoms employ the help of Sleipwyrms. Long, six-legged Land-Dragons, Sleipwyrms are born with an innate understanding of the environment, how best to traverse it, and with a natural skill for swift travel.   While they are less outwardly intelligent than other members of the Draconic species, they have powerful instincts, and require the utmost care and devotion, lest you find yourself at the mercy of their sharp claws or lengthy acidic tongue.   Many say that Sleipwyrms are innately attuned with the Leylines of the Plane of Mysticism, to the point where their instincts are the instincts of the land itself, and that the sign of an unhealthy Sleipwyrm could be a sign of arcane ailments in the land itself, as it's rare to see such hearty and durable creatures ill.   At their fastest speeds, Sleipwyrms are capable of sprinting at speeds of 90 miles per hour. Their riders might not be able to hang on enough, but that's beside the point. They can also travel up cliffs as steep as 91 degrees and are not slowed by bumpy roads, rocky cliffs, thick brambles, or sheets of ice.

Basic Information


Sleipwyrms have a long, thick body, with a bone structure that allows them to turn their elongated body in several pieces, allowing for their six large, clawed legs to grasp, cling, and propel themselves at various advantageous locations. They also have a long tail for the assistance of direction, balancing, and reading the wind currents. Their head is elongated and triangle-shaped as well, with four eyes, two forward-facing and two side-facing, allowing for a greater range of vision. Lastly, their tongue is the strongest muscle in their body and is incredibly dextrous and acidic for the purpose of beginning to dissolve food.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like other dragonoids, Sleipwyrms lay eggs about 1 month after fertilization, and it takes about 3 weeks (in peak climate and conditions) for the eggs to hatch. Within 1 week the hatching will be able to hunt small insects on its own, but it'll take about 5 years for them to be grown enough to act as steeds.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Sleipwyrm will grow from a Just-Hatched to a Hatchling in about a week, in a form of rapid energy intake and bodily growth, they'll be about a foot long at this point, and their back legs will be the most developed.   The period of Hatching to Young-Sleip will take about 3 years, and during this time the front and back legs will be the most developed as they learn to use their mid-legs. During this time they'll grow from about a foot long to anywhere between four and eight feet long, and develop the gland necessary to produce their tongue poison.   From 3 to 5 years, they'll grow from Young-Sleip to an Adult Sleipwyrm and reach a length between 10 and 14 feet long, with their thick body fully forming with their tongue and strong legs.   Sleipwyrms live anywhere from 40 to 60 years if treated right, and typically don't grow any larger or develop any unique differences between this time.

Ecology and Habitats

Sleipwyrms mostly live within the forests of The Serpents Path, but after they grow older they can survive just about anywhere provided there's enough food.

Biological Cycle

Sleipwyrms shed a layer of scales about every year, to allow their body to remain slick and agile for fast movement. Intact skins are prized items, as they can be used to make some exceptionally speed-granting potions and salves.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Along with heightened vision, and their tongue allowing for a bit of heat sensing, Sleipwyrms are also capable of feeling out vibrations in the ground up to 20 feet away from their body.


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