Mayor Colby Treloar Character in Edda | World Anvil
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Mayor Colby Treloar

Mayor Colby Amber Treloar (a.k.a. Cole)

Although the territory of Buffalo is famed for what goes on under the surface, the vast regenerating veins of the mines, Colby Treloar always kept his eyes to the skies, forward to the future.   Even as his family got more and more success with their own mining company and the products they created, he kept looking up. Even when the nation turned to war, and he had no choice but to serve, he kept looking up.   Even when he had to kill those from his family's homeland, those he could've been related to, he kept looking up.   When he returned home, the sole heir to the family, father too wounded and sick, brothers dead or shellshocked, sisters separating from the family, he kept looking up.   This would be to his benefit, as he expanded the family company not in how much further down they could go, but how they could benefit the land above and enrich it, opening Treloar Mechanic Operations.   Finally, in 996 AC he brought his eyes to the horizon, the edge between sky and land, when he successfully ran for Mayor of Buffalo, leaving his company in the hands of his dear husband, Rodney Treloar né Everett, and his eldest son, Emmanuel Treloar.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Colby Treloar has a pretty average height and weight for Dwarves, and while not as trained as to when he was in the Military, he tends to keep himself rather fit.

Facial Features

Whenever Colby isn't specifically looking out for something, he tends to keep his eyes lidded or closed, as he tends to take in too much visual information at once otherwise.

Identifying Characteristics

Colby tends to keep his bright red hair in a ponytail, along with keeping his half-neck length beard in a fluffy freefall.

Apparel & Accessories

No matter what, Colby wears a sharp suit on his daily outings and missions. If he ever had to return to combat for whatever reason, he has a suit of old armor waiting and ready to go.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Colby Treloar was born to Sophia Treloar and Gerhold Treloar in 923 AC, as the youngest of 4 brothers and 3 sisters. His family, originally hailing from Aristocracy in [Agartha, were owners of a mining company that operated out of the chasm in what would eventually become Buffalo, Boncly.   Although throughout his childhood, it was never the mining that interested Colby. No matter how much his parents instructed his tutors to fill in his general education with knowledge on minerals, ores, and other stone-based knowledge, it never stuck in his mind. He was much more focused on the open air instead.   His particular interest throughout his childhood was bird watching and learning about how they flew, their migration, the different types, etcetera. Especially Corvids, he'd always be trying to befriend crows and ravens, and gifting them whatever shiny bauble he could have on hand.   As much as his parents tried to iron it out, and force him to try and at least consider taking up the family business, Colby had his siblings on his side, and his parents would finally concede. At that age, Colby wanted nothing more than to be a bird watcher, or perhaps even a trainer.   But life would have other things in mind.   On the 18th of Drying Summer in 953 AC, a massive explosion killed the world leaders of Edda and many of their cabinets. On the eve of the next year, the new leaders, aided by warmongers and blood-hungry generals, would declare all-out war.   At first, the Treloar family wasn't a part of the combat, and their family home was still firmly in Agarthan territory. But as the first handful of years passed, and neither country had the mass victory they assumed, it became clear that all resources needed to be utilized.   The Treloar family still did their best to keep their children from fighting, but eventually, their older children volunteered, then the middle children were drafted. But before the youngest ones could enter the system, there was an immense paradigm shift.   Eight years after the ignition of the war, in 962 AC, a mass civil uprising from all of Boncly forced the ruling class of Agartha to cut ties with the country, making them an independent nation.   Now, the Treloar's had a decision to make.   Many of their kind had fled when the civil unrest started to rear it's head, going back to their safe stores of money and status in Agartha, and many of Colby's family did the same.   But Colby couldn't. He had lived with the people of Boncly for the last 39 years of his life, had grown up with them. Laughed alongside them, cried alongside them, sometimes loved them. He wasn't about to abandon them for a nation he had never known and people who had never had his best interests at heart.   Colby Treloar was disowned by the family and joined the fight in Boncly's name. It was a rough battle, and one that cost many lives, but he kept it up. Even when he had to fight kinsmen, innocent people ruled by fear and money, and even one time when his sights were aimed at his own brothers. They had no qualms taking on their brother, so he had no qualms doing the same.   His childhood looking at the sky had fostered a previously unknown skill in Colby, who was able to measure distance via sight alone to an unprecedented degree, making him a powerful marksman, even as Boncly quickly shifted from bows and arrows to firearms and bullets.   Finally, after 12 more years of death, blood, and battles, peace treaties were made, reparations were decided on, and The Border Wars came to an end. This left the Treloar's with a company, and no one to run it.   Gerhold was fatally injured and would be dead in months, his other sons either dead or shell-shocked to the point of requiring near-constant medical supervision, and daughters suffering the same fate.   While Colby was the black sheep of the family, Gerhold refused to let his company die, and spitefully passed it on to Colby, who chose to spite him right back by drastically shifting focus.   The war, while tragic, opened up a new school of thought among many people, including Colby. Engineering and development in the name of Science versus Magic became the hot new industry, and with the family stake in the mines, which Colby fought hard to reclaim in the name of Boncly and Buffalo rather than Agartha, there was a wealth of minerals and metals that could go to engineering.   So, Colby took Treloar Mining Operations and created Treloar Mechanic Operations, with the aid of his then friend, soon to be husband, Rodney Everett.   The two had met during the war, as Rodney and he both were exiled members of Agarthan families and had a strange kinship in appreciating birds, although Rodney was more of a Raptor fan than Corvid.   With Colby's marksman skills, and Rodney's engineering wit, the two were a nigh-unstoppable duo, and even when Colby went from Soldier to CEO, Rodney was still by his side, although it took the two many years to realize that their devotion to one another was more than just friendship.   After working hard to create a successful company, serving to provide much of Boncly with necessary metals and ores needed for technological creations, alongside funding a small number of projects in his own company, Colby took his sights off the skies and the future and turned it towards his hometown, and the present.   Rodney, now his Fiancee, had mentioned many times about how the current Mayor of Buffalo wasn't at all considerate to the miners, nor to the new enterprises available, and often criticized them for favoring their Agarthan heritage, unlike Colby. The constant topic made Colby think that, perhaps, he could do something to make a better Buffalo for all.   When the next election came around, he decided to try just that, rallying behind his innovative mind, history fighting for Boncly, and love for the community that raised him, although Rodney needed to give him a hand with social speeches.   The unstoppable duo won out once more, and Colby Treloar became Mayor of Buffalo in 996 AC. While he didn't expect to win again for his second term, the advancements he had made to city infrastructure, as well as improving quality of life in the mines and above ground won out once more in 1002 AC.

Gender Identity

Colby was assigned Male at birth and is confident in that identity.


While it took him many years to realize it, Colby is now a proud member of the gay community, although it wasn't something he readily denied in early years either. He just didn't know there was a specific label for men who loved other men until he began to process his feelings towards Rodney.


In his youth, Colby Treloar had private tutors hired on by his family but often would devote free time to learning about his special interests instead. He hadn't decided on secondary education by the time The Border Wars began, and by the time they were over he had no need for such a thing. However, as he expanded his companies thoughts to engineering and modernity, he took it upon himself to learn as much as he could about that alongside Rodney's instruction.


Colby Treloar has been three things in life, a Soldier, a CEO, and a Mayor. While he often questions and learns the ins and outs of the jobs his workers have to do, he doesn't actually perform them often.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In his modern life, Colby only bothers to talk about his mechanical achievements, such as industrializing the ventilation system in the mines, developing safer Mana Power systems, and of course marrying his husband.

Failures & Embarrassments

Publically, Colby hasn't faced anything along the lines of failures. There have been hiccups, and products that didn't land well, but generally he's had successes. However, he's constantly wracked with failed military campaigns or strategies that nearly ended in death for himself.

Mental Trauma

Colby spent 18 years in the war, having to fight against the country of his family, and that's bad enough without adding on the brutal and blood-thirsty tactics Agartha implemented during the wars.

Intellectual Characteristics

Colby is an observant and detail-focused person, however, he can be caught zoning out of a conversation often, and frequently is too focused on minute details while missing what's right in front of him.

Morality & Philosophy

Colby believes in the strength of innovation and modernity while rejecting the often entrapping ties of the past, whether by blood, honor, or tradition.

Personality Characteristics


To create a perfectly functioning, Modern society, that can keep its eyes on the future.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Shining Steel
  • Mahogany
  • The color red
  • Rodney's Mashed Potatoes (no one else does them 'right')
  • Corvids
  • Loud noises
  • Cheap materials
  • Birds of Prey
  • Heavy weapons
  • Traditional Thinkers


Religious Views

While Colby doesn't have many religious ties, he was raised up with The Mother Dragons faith, and sometimes instinctively thinks of them and their lessons at times.

Social Aptitude

While it hasn't been officially diagnosed, any behavioral doctor could tell that, between the hyper-fixations, lack of social skills, sensory issues, and unique way of thinking, that Colby was somewhere on the Autism spectrum.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Agarthan 18th Desert Unit - Archer [Former]
  • Boncly 1st Marksman Division - Captain
  • Mayor of Buffalo
  • [CONFIDENTIAL] Head of The Steelcrafters in service of The Sunsetters
Date of Birth
23rd of Freezing Winter
Year of Birth
923 AC 86 Years old
Agartha (City), Agartha
Current Residence
Buffalo, Boncly
Golden, Dainty
Red, Tied back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
#c18066 (Antique Brass)
4' 4"
175 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Along with Common, Colby knows how to speak Dwarven, Halfling, Undercommon, Primordial, and Elvish.
Ruled Locations


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