The Dynasty Organization in Ecoth | World Anvil
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The Dynasty (Di-nas-tee)

The Dynasty remembered today is mostly the all powerful entity that ocupied all of Ecoth for thousonds of years, but how did it come to be such a powerful organisation with influance ofver everything on the continent, and why did this contribute to its fall?

Dynastal Empire

Before there was The Old Dynasty, there was the Dynastal Empire, an imperial power lead by an Emperor, centred around the city of what would later become Capswold. The Dynastals started near the northern area of the river Tarvuk, which they used for trade and defence as a natural barrier. After a war with the tribes to its north in -5589, Emperor Clouse IV expanded the Dynastal Empire's teritories up to the northern mountains, to prevent an invasion from the north from ever occuring again.

In the year -5334 the Dynastal Empire fought in the Tarvuk Wars with Buzhana and the Tarvali Empire for control over more sothern parts of the Tarvuk river which it won, gaining teritories further over the river. This helped bring about a prosporus age for the empire where it enjoyed much expansion and trade with neighboring powers.

Dynastal Civil War (-5296-90)

In the year -5296, Emperor Clouse VI was assassinated by his elite legionaries who had staged a coup against him and his government. Clouse's son, Iswold III fled outside the Dynasty's teritories for safety. The elite legionaries and the rich lords who had supported the coup then began a two year rule of the Dynastal Empire, surpressing and overtaxing the peasents. However the elite legionaries had told the lords that they had the Dynastal army on their side in the coup to sound as if they were going to be more sucsesful when in reality the army had taken neither side. This meant many soldiers began supporting the exiled Prince Iswold III which allowed him to raise an army in -5295.

At the start of -5294 Iswold III began marching his army into the Dynasty, aiming to retake the capital and restore his lineage on the throne. Whilst the elite legionaries were much better fighters than Iswold's soldiers, they did not have the same numbers and so were defeated in -5296 when Iswold III of the Dynastal Empire marched into the capital.

His father's betrayal and the Civil War had made Iswold paranoid however, and he began implamenting drastic reforms to ensure it did not happen again. He officially disolved the Dynastal Empire and created The Old Dynasty in its place. He declared himself Iswold the 1st of the Dynasty, a new organisation with less coruption and more stability. He also reformed religion, turning the religion of Old Dynastalism (which was prominant in the Dynastal Empire) into New Dynalism, which focused more on abmiration and obediance of the Emperor, not the state. He also removed the position of elite legionary and swaped the regional lords for allies who had helped him in the Civil War whilst also limiting their power to prevent further uprisings.

Golden Age of the Dynasty

After reforming his empire Iswold I went on many conquests, starting with the teritories which had supported his enemies during the Dynastal Civil War, but he also started campains to the south and the east. Whilst fighting in Wenstar Iswold I was hit by an arow and fell into a deep coma. He was rushed back to Capswold where, three days later he miracurasly recovered. The doctors treating him were unawere he had been in a coma and immidiatly began claiming that Iswold I had risen from the dead. After recovering Iswold used this to convince people that the Being of Emperors, Yavuch, had saved him from death. This led to much more widespread adoption of New Dynalism across the Dynasty and when Iswold I died of dysentery three years later his body was displayed for months in the capital as devoted followers awaited for him to rise again before them. His son, Sovin even held back the corrination for a year in the chance that his father may not have fully perrished, but when the body began to rot, and it became clear that Iswold the 1st was dead for good, he was sealed in a stone tomb, lined with small breathing holes (should he feel the urge to live again), and was buried in the royal palace.

Emperor Sovin I who succeeded him began the Dynasty's golden age, where culture, religion and trade blossomed as new trade routes were opened with Capti and Wenstar which allowed the Dynasty to become a wealthy empire. New Dynalism was really taking off and the art form of Dynal painting was first created. In -5122 gold was discovered in Wenstar's swamps, a lot of which had to be transported through the Dynasty to get to Capti where it was most commonly sold which made the Dynasty even wealthier.

Emperor Nivshnot VII assended the throne around this time, implimenting a polecy of Veripun, which meant expanding the Dynasty's teritories in all directions so it could cover most of Ecoth. In practice it held no sucsess beyond a small advancement in the Eastern Wars but many of its principals for rule of a large area would be used by future Emperors when the Dynasty had later expanded.

Great South War (-4761-59)

In the year -4761 Emperor Ivonia IV was killed on the road back from Capti by unknown attackers. His son, Emperor Solvin VI blamed the Captirian Empire which he had been visiting, arguing that they were upset about the Dynasty's wars to the east and so Solvin declared war on Capti. Capti had assumed Solvin wouldn't have done this as the Captirian Empire was on the other side of the continent from the Dynasty but Solvin allied with Notach Buuhach IV of Buzhana for help. The Buzhanan Empire bordered both the Dynasty and Capti meaning Solvin could now march his troops south to Capti and get the assistance of Buzhana's troops.

Buuhach IV agreed to Solvin's terms because Buzhana had recently taken the port city of Carvuuk from Capti in the First South War and wanted to expand further into their teritories. Buuhach knew that since the Dynasty was so far away from the Captirian Empire, most captured teritories would go to him.

The Captirians were a mostly naval power and excellent sailers so decided to begin the conflict by removing Buzhana's maratine capability by attacking its only port city of Carvuuk and destroying their only ships before Buzhana had even mobalised its army. The Dynasty was landlocked so had no ships meaning Capti had now limted the war to being purley land based. This meant whilst the Battle of Carvuuk Bay had been a victory, now meant Capti's famous fleet would lay redundant for the rest of the conflict and many of its skilled sailers would be wasted as soldiers on the battlefield, not at sea where they held the biggest advantage.

Buzhana began its first offensive shortly after the Battle of Carvuuk Bay, pushing in on Capti from the east and north-east and eventually slowing to meet resistance at the end of the mountain range. Capti tried to move north to provide a flanking maneuver but the Dynasty forces showed up just in time, forming a line across the north of the Captirian Empire and cutting it from the southern trade route. It was at this point that the war hit a stalemate as neither side made much progress over the next few months and Capti began trading with Wenstar by sea instead of the trade routes blocked by the Dynasty's forces. The stalemate was eventually broken when Buzhanan troops finally made it through the costal mountains which divided Capti from Buzhana and attempted to flank the Captirian force. They were unsuccsesful but Capti had to pull soldiers from other lines allowing the Dynasty to break through Capti's lines in the north and move towards its capital .In -4759, Dynasty troops marched into Capti's capital ending the Great South War

Solvin VI deliberately held the surrender negotiations in the Captirian Empire's old capital, further into their teritory, to ensure everyone knew that the Dynasty had won. This was the first time Capti had faced a majour defeat and it lost significant teritory to Buzhana and the Dynasty and whilst it was allowed to continue to exist, Solvin split it into its kingdoms with no centeral government to unite them, which caused the Captiri Civil Wars which would be centeries of conflict that prevented the Captirian Empire from ever uniting again. Solvin knew that the Dynasty would never be able to hold teritories so far from its capital and so decided that causing the collapse of the ancient empire was the next best thing.

Dynasty Buzhanan War (-4757-51)

Despite his victory in The Great South War, Emperor Solvin VI was still spiteful that he was unable to gain any teritory from the conflict so instead decided to turn on his ally, Buzhana. Solvin's plan was to launch a surprise attack on Buzhana whilst marching his troops back up through it. Whilst these initial offencives from within Buzhana itself were succsessfull, Solvin had overlooked the fact that by using his main army, which was already exausted from the Great South War, to attack from within Buzhana, he was leaving the Dynasty itself vulnrable to attack. Notach Buuhach IV of Buzhana realised this pretty quickly however, and so Solvin was forced to abandon his offensive from within Buzhana's teritories and flee back to the Dynasty before the Buzhanan's made it to Capswold. Thankfully for Solvin he did have soldiers on the Dynasty's eastern side fighting in the Eastern Wars which he was able to redirect to defend it from Buzhana in the south but this did lose years of progress in the east. When Solvin finally made it back to the Dynasty, he found that Buzhana was halfway to Capswold and showing no signs of slowing down.

However Buzhana's advance was stopped, not by the Dynasty but by a bacteria called Bacuru. Bacuru was a regular microbe which would stike the Dynasty every few years, brought down in spring by the River Tarvuc. The average person only had mild symptoms, but to the Buzhanans who lived in a climate too hot for Bacuru to exist, the symptoms were much more extreme. Since the Buzhanans had no immunity to Bacuru, it spread through their camps like crazy. Local towns and cities would claim to be in the middle of a Bacuru epidemic to prevent occupation and would often exadurate its effects. Whilst the disease was nly waterborne, many civilians would claim Bacuru could be communicated through contact, to prevent theft from captured towns. Some would even convince the Buzhanans that the bacteria could spread through the air which led to many paranoid commanders moving their camps in the middle of the night because the wind had changed direction to be blowing towards them from the city. Defenders in castles would also use something called 'Bacuru Buckets' which were buckets of riverwater thrown over an attacker so that they would be more likely to get the illness. This outbreak and the Buzhnanans paranoia allowed the Dynasty to start pushing the Buzhanans back and over the next four years they managed to push the Buzhanans back to their capital, Vlorich.

After successfully laying siege to Vlorich, and later capturing Notach Buuhach IV, the Dynasty managed to win the war. The peace talks were held in Vlorich in -4751 where it was agreed that Buzhana would become a state within the Dynasty in exchange for Notach Buuhach IV remaining in charge of it. This set up a unique system where the Dynasty had full control over another empire but that empire was still self governing. The result of the Buzhanan War shocked Ecoth as the Dynasty had just won two major wars and absorbed an entire empire into its grasp.

Nivshnot the Mad and the Dynal Civil War (-4735-30)

Nivshnot VII was the third son of Solvin VI and therefore not prepared for a likelyhood of becoming Emperor of the Dynasty. When Solvin VI died ten years after the Buzhanan War his second son took the throne, however he only lasted a year before he died of unknown causes. With no older brothers, Nivshnot assended to the Dynal throne in -4741.

Nivshnot was not like many of his predicesors though as in his earlier years he had developed a close relationship with an isolated group called The Order of Cyconkight who inhabited the Dynasty's northern teritories. The order had been fairly isolated from the Dynasty, as many prievious Emperors had disapproved of them since they didn't follow the empire's religion of New Dynalism. Nivshnot however had spent time with them in his teenage years and began making changes which made it easier for them to intergrate into the Dynasty. Whereas many former rulers had reffered to them as barbarians and witches, Nivshnot treated them as a people and made them feel more welcome in the Dynasty. This upset a lot of people as they had been lead to believe that The Order of Cyconkight was a corrupt religious extreemist group, who lived in old caves and abandoned castles to the north who were rejected by society. Many did not agree with Nivshnot's treatment of them, especially the more religious people who did not like that the order didn't follow New Dynalism.

Many argued that Nivshnot had taken things too far however when in -4736 he denounced New Dynalism competly, calling it 'Outdated' and 'A way of the past.' This was met by outrage and devided the Dynasty into two belief systems. The Loyalists were the people who supported Nivshnot because New Dynalism says that the most important thing is to obay your Emperor, or because they saw opportunities in aligning themselves with Nivshnot. The Dynalists were the people who stuck to their religion and denounced Nivshnot, often arguing that he was illegitimate because he was the third born son or that he was possessed by the witches from The Order of Cyconkight. These were often priests and heavy believers from all classes in society, though enemies of the emperor also became Dynalists so they could act against him more openly. As time went on, Nivshnot began removing Dynalists from his court of advisors and lords, replacing them with loyalists which angered many Dynalists as they claimed Nivshnot was executing pregedice based on their religious beliefs (which was a very hypocritical statement as many of them believed New Dynalism was the only religion that mattered).

One such Dynalist who was cast out by Nivshnot was Lord Yaverson who fled south to his mansion and began verbaly opposing the Emperor and gained may followers. In -4735, he declared war on Nivshnot VII, begining the Dynal Civil War.

The first acts of both sides was to establish thier teritories as there were both Loyalists and Dynalists in the north and south but after some fighting, the Dynalists took the south and the Loyalists took the north with the edge of the forrest acting as an early divider. Nivshnot ordered the destruction of many Cahuruphas (places of New Dynal worship) across his ocupied teritories and many Dynalist peasents were forced to flee south. In one incident a group of Loyalist soldiers serving the Emperor saw the destruction and decided to help smuggle priests and other Dynalists out of the north. They would call themselves the Northern Hope and grew as the war went on.

The Dynalist made their first move against the north by laying siege to many cities close to the forrest, and managing to capture a few. Around this time Nivshnot headed further north to try an recruit The Order of Cyconkight to help him, leaving Lord Valack in charge of the Loyalist army. Shortly after, the Dynalists lay siege to Capswold, the capital of the North, slowly drainig it of supplies.

Desperate to halt the advance of the Dynalists, Lord Valack sent a note to Notach Vigu I of Buzhana, asking them to join the conflict in exchange for their independence if the Loyalists won. The letter was almost certanly not approved by Nivshnot by since Vigu's father had been the Notach that had lost Buzhana to the Dynasty, Vigu was keen to make it independent again so accepted. Notach Vigu I attacked the Dynals from the south east poening up a new front which they had to deal with. This did cause the Dynastals to pull troops away from Capswold but, six months later thay captured the city with help from the Norther Hope. Lord Valack was hung, and the south continued moving up through the North. As the Dynalists reached the northern tundras they were slowed by the more guerrilla warfare style tactics adopted by the Loyalists but ultimatly, thanks to Buzhana backing out of the war, made it to Fort Cryis where The Order of Cyconkight and Nivshnot were hiding. A six day siege followed where eventually the Fort fell and Nivshnot was taken back to Capswold for trial. Fort Cryis was reduced to ruins and The Order of Cyconkight fled underground.

The Dynalists were divided on if Emperor Nivshnot VII should be executed or not. Whilst some argued he had betrayed New Dynalism, others stated that executing an Emperor directly went against the ideas of New Dynalism. Eventually it was decided that Nivshnot was to be exiled on the island of Volavo, just like the mischievious being Meluvas. In -4729, a single ship carried Nivshnot out to the hostile island where he was dumped and never heard from again. Nivshnot's uncle was placed on the throne as the new Emperor.

Succsession Crisis

After Emperor Nivshnot VII was exiled to the island of Volavo, his uncle, Paravous I inherited the throne and most of the Dynasty's problems. The Dynasty was economically unstable from having three major conflicts in the last thirty years. It was also being pushed back in the Eastern Wars and being exploited by barbarians in the north who already saw the cracks in its power. Notach Vigu I of Buzhana also looked to be making moves to revolt as he was still frustrated that Buzhana had not gained independence in the Dynal Civil War (-4735-30). To make matters worse, the regional lords had limited the power of the Emperor and given more power to themselves after winning the Dynal Civil War which meant that the Emperor was more a figurehead rather than a true leader. All of Paravous' decisions had to go through the Council of Lords which was often indecisive and corrupt. The Council of Lords would also pass laws without the Emperor's approval and if they went badly (which wasn't uncommon) they would blame it on Paravous. Paravous had little means to resist as he was just a weak old man and did not have the support of the people like prievious emperors because of the decline of New Dynalism after Nivshnot VII.

In the year -4725 Paravous died and the throne was inherited by his fifteen year old grandson, Tolvus. This caused some commotion as Paravous did have an older grandaughter but the Council of Lords denyed her the throne because she was a woman. A woman had never been in a position to inherit the Dynal throne before so there was no standard situation, allowing the lords to instead crown young Tolvus II as Emperor. After becoming Emperor, Tolvus also became a puppet for the Court of Lords and held practically no power. They did very little to help the Dynasty as it was still in economic ruin and losing wars in the east. They barely held off an attack from Notach Vigu I of Buzhana who was trying to take advantage of the Dynasty's weakened leadership. The Dynasty was able to push him back but any time they made meaningful process, the Court's attention was required elsewhere and Vigu pushed into the Dynasty again. Barbarians in the north were also taking the opportunity to raid towns and villages in the north with little to no resistance which led to even more economic problems in the north and a short revolution in -4922 which the Lords quickly squashed with brutal force. This was only a temporary solution though as the people were still unhapy and many were still capable of revolt.

As Tolvus grew up he began to fight and argue with the Court of Lords and, after a particually bad row, in -4722 he died in 'a mysterious riding accident' meaning that his sister Catarphra I became empress. The Court was split on whether to appoint her but in the end it was decided she would inherit the throne as they thought a woman would be easy to manipulate, just like Tolvus had been in his earlier years. However this was not quite the case.

Catarphra knew how much she could get from the Court of Lords without going too far and managed to restore some of the Emperor's power. She helped push Buzhana back ending the Buzhanan Independence Conflict and managed to restore the Dynasty's economy. Of course, most of the credit went to the Court of Lords since many regarded a female emperor as a joke, showing truely how far the mighty title of Emperor had fallen with the last few individuals. Many people had also stopped believing in New Dynalism so had much less respect for the Empress. Catarphra was hesitant to marry as since there wasn't a document describing how the sucsession of female emperors worked she feard by marrying she would lose all her power to her husband. However on the other hand if she did not marry she would not have an heir so there was pressure for her to get married to one of the Lords on the Court of Lords, an idea she reportedly was disgusted by.

In the year -4714 Catarphra led a campain in the north to try and help fend off attacking barbarian tribes. Unlike in the conflict with Buzhana, she decided to physically go north and help the soldiers fight, as the ancient Emperors of the Dynasty had once done. This earned her the respect of the men who fought beside her but also led to her getting kidnapped by one of the tribes. Upon hearing this the Court of Lords was quick to declare her dead and appointed one of their own as the new emperor as Catarphra had no heirs. However, six months later she returned to Capswold alongside the barbarians to reclaim her title as Empress. When the new emperor refused, she demanded he be arrested which led to a short skermish between the Elite Legionaries (who were the emeror's guard) as some fought for her and some fought for the new emperor. Ultimatly with the help of the barbarian tribe she had brought back with her Catarphra secured her position as Empress once more and had the 'false emperor' executed. She then explained that she had made an alliance with the Bavocs (tribe af barbarians) to marry the chief's son (Hecves) in exchange for them helping to stop other barbarians from raiding Dynasty towns and villages.

Catarphra and Hecves then established a joint rule where they would coordinate decisions which worked effectively untill Catarphra's death in -4702. After that Hecves ruled for another two years before dying himself and leaving behind his five year old son, Murchous I who was titled Emperor. However, as Murchous was only a child, the Court of Lords once agin held all the power. This time they estabished the Court's Gaurd, an elite section of the Dynal army loyal exlusively to them. The Court's Gaurd were to protect the Lords in the Court of Lords but also frequently sacked Cahuruphas across the Dynasty. The Lords who had originally been standing up for New Dynalism in the Dynal Civil War now saw it as a limitation of their power. They believed that if everyone worshiped the Emperor then more people would question their heavy involvement in the running of the Dynasty. However, the Court's agression to New Dynalism did not go unchallenged and once again riots were held in the streets against the government, which the Court only used to justify the introduction of the Court's Gaurd which broke up the protests, often violently.

By the year -4696 the Bavocs decided that the system was too chaotic and a small group of them broke into the royal palace and took the young emperor. They justifyed this by saying that since his father had been of their tribe, they had as much right to raise Murchous as the Dynasty. Instead of persuing the Barvocs, the Court of Lords decided instead to appoint one of their own as the new emperor, crowning Lord Vhercy as Emperor Vhercy I in -4696.

However, the Lords were often indecisive and conflictive and Emperor Vhercy struggled to control the other lords, frequently having to deal with plots against his life. One such Lord, Lord Drokes, decided that the best way to overturn the new emperor was to bring back the old one. Drokes aproached the Barvoc tribe and made a deal that if they helped him overthrow Vhercy, he would remove the Court of Lords and give the throne back to Murchous. They launched their attack one morning in the year -4689 assisted by some of the elite legionaries and some of Drokes' men. Drokes was able to defeat Vhercy and sentenced him to be executed. He also disolved the court of Lords as he promiced, stripping them of their titles and land and giving it to his allies and friends.

The Court of Lords and the Court's Guard had been defeated but Murchous was still only a child so Lord Drokes was the person who was actually in charge of the Dynasty. Lord Drokes died in -4684 and his son tried to fill his place. However he was much more authoritative on the now older emperor which led to Murchous having him removed after only a few months. Finally the power of the Emperor had been restored without the influance of corupt lords and officials.

Murchous was well aware of the events that had led to his rule and the chaos that had taken hold of the Dynasty since the Civil War and so decided to write a document to prevent it from happening again. 'The Laws to Succession' was a document that outlined who had the right to the throne of the Dynasty and it could not be changed or manipulated by anyone other than the legitimate Emperor. It outlined many situations where multiple people held claim to the throne and denoted which person was the rightful ruler. The Laws to Succession was the first written order to how succession it the Dynasty worked and was kept in practice right until the end of the Dynasty in -30.

War of the Triumvirate (4538-35)

From -4541 the Fith Boarder war had worn down both the Traiphotian Empire and the Suhuvan Empire. By -4537 both sides were looking for a way out of the conflict, and it was there that Emperor Nivshnot IX saw an opportunity. Early that year Emperor Valodinie of the Suhuvans approached the Dynasty requesting that they stopped trade with Traiphotia but Nivshnot instead proposed that Valodine was allowed to move his troops through the Dynasty's teritories to launch a surprise assult on Traiphotia's eastern flank which boardered with the Dynasty. Valodine agreed under the terms that no fighting would occur on the Dynasty's land and prepared an army to attack. However Nivshnot had no intention of letting Valodine take Traiphotia and approached General Rorchack of the Traiphotian Empire and offered him the same deal. Both sides of the war now had access to the Dynasty's teritory without the other knowing.

In the summer of -4536 both the Traiphotians and Suhuvans began marching massive armies into the Dynasty's teritory with the plan to ambush the other. Similtaniously Nivshnot gathered an army at Capswold, waiting to make his move. The Suhuvans were the first to spot their enemy within Dynasty teritory but soon both parties were aware of each other's presence. Both knew that if they fought they would violate the Dynasty's agreement but confusion and desperation ran throughout the Traiphotian ranks as some members believed that they had gone off course. After 11 days of debating General Rorchack ordered an attack on the Suhuvan troops, violating his agreement with the Dynasty. This started the Battle of Richard Hill which lasted for over two months and was some of the most brutal fighting of the conflict. Both sides had taken their best men and largest armies for the ambush and was the first time that Valodine and Rorchack, the leaders of the two opposing sides, had fought on the same battlefield, though they never met.

As soon as the Traiphotians violated their agreement and attacked the Suhuvans on Dynal soil, Nivshnot ordered his army outside Capswold to start marching into Traiphotia. The Dynal army encountered less resistance than expected as most of the Traiphotian force was either at the Battle of Richard Hill or defending Traiphotia's sothern boarder. Also many Traiphotians did not know that the Dynasty was invading and assumed that they were an allied force so let them pass without any problems. However, once the Dynal forces reached Traitin, the capital of the Traiphotian Empire, they forced the Traiphotian Royal Council to surender and burned the city to the ground. The night which became known as 'The Great Fire' destroyed much of the historic city, and sent a clear message to the Traiphotians. Once General Rorchack tried to retreat back to his empire but was killed by Suhuvan archers in the process, ending the battle of Richard Hill.

The Traiphotian Empire had officially collapsed but Nivshnot was not satisfied. He committed a further two armies, one from Capswold and another from Vlorich, to take the Suhuvan Capital and punish them for also violating their agreement. Valodine realised this and feared that the Dynasty would sack his empire just like they had done to Traitin. However, instead of retreating back and defending his empire, Valodine began to march towards the Dynal capital of Capswold. Valodine was already within the Dynasty's teritory with a large army so thought it would be easier to take out the Dynasty rather than just push them out of Suhuva.

Three armies marched on Suhuva from both north and east. One army was a Buzhanan devision from Vlorich who were more experienced in the hot desert conditions than Dynal or Traiphotian troops which quickened their advance. Whilst Valodine did reach Capswold before the Dynasty got far into Suhuva, he faced many more problems as his supplies were depleating and he was surrounded by Dynal armies. He managed to secure an alliance with a corrupted local lord to assist him in laying siege to Capswold but saw little success. The Dynasty on the other hand swept through Suhuva in six months and Valodine was forced to surender to Nivshnot in -4534, ending the War of the Triumvirate.

After the conflict the Traiphotian Empire was completly dissolved but the Suhuvan Empire was allowed to continue existing with some independence if it acted as a sub-state of the Dynasty, similar to Buzhana. Many Ecothnic historians consider the War of the Triumvirate as the major turning point in the Dynasty gaining full control over the entirety of Ecoth. In only two years, the Dynasty had absorbed the teritory of two major empires and although it took another centery for the Dynasty to crush all resistance to its rule in Traiphotia, -4534 was the year that the Dynasty became the unstoppable force we consider it today.

Absortion of Remaining Teritories and Early Rebbelion

Traiphotian Rebellion

Collapse of the Garlacocian Empire

Surendering of Wenstar

Captirian Uprising

Nonan Invasion

First Ecothnic War

The Dynasty started out as an unchallenged power in Ecoth. It ruled with fear, making example of its enemies and constantly reminding its citizens to behave with a lingering military presence.

Over time though people began standing up for themselves and after the capital massacre a series of uprisings took place. These were quickly put down by the Dynasty and the leaders were brutally executed to make examples to the rest of Ecoth. But this had the opposite effect to what the Dynasty had thought...

Fed up with the constant executions an organisation formed called The Dundell which swore to overthrow the Dynasty and replace it with a more democratic system. Unlike previous uprisings the Dundell was organised and uprisings across Ecoth were coordinated to cause maximum dammage to the Dynasty. This started the conflict known as the First Ecothnic War

Initially the Dynasty thought they could crush the Dundell in the same way they had stopped uprisings before but as the scale of the uprisings increased rhe Dynasty was forced to commit more troops. Despite this the Dynasty saw relative success in stopping the Dundell until one fateful event.

In the year -50 The Dundell broke into and stormed the Dynasty's centeral palace in Capswold, brutally stabbing its Emperor. What followed was chaos which the Dundell used to overthrow the Dynasty and take control for themselves. Many of the Dynasty's leadership were executed, just as they had executed protesters before. Others were imprisoned and the survivors were exiled to the north where they were locked into the icy mountains to freeze to death. Little did the Dundell know, this group would become The Second Dynasty that would one day overthrow them.

-5490 - -50

Government, Leadership
Successor Organization
Training Level
Leader Title
Government System
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories

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