The Dundell Organization in Ecoth | World Anvil
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The Dundell

The Dundell began as an opposition movement to The Old Dynasty in the year -95. After the First Ecothnic War

the Dundell assumed control of Ecoth and sought to create a fairer and more democratic way of ruling than the Dynasty before them. They established the Dundellion Gathering Society where every kingdom would have representation. Unfortunatly this system would only last 50 years as the Dundell was destroyed by The Second Dynasty in the year 0.


The Dundell was founded in the year -95 to unite the growing opposition of The Old Dynasty under one organisation. In their early years the Dundell operated in the shadows, gathering resources, weapons and materials. Eventually when they began to gain more support from the Dynasty's increacingly violent tactics and a series of speaches, the Dundell attacked larger targets. One of their most famous attacks was the siege of Notras Castle where 100 men delt significant damage to a Dynasty castle. They were unsucsesful in taking it but killed almost twice their number.

The Dundell eventually overthrew the Old Dynasty in the year -50, executing thir leaders and establishing control of Ecoth themselves. They hoped to make life in Ecoth better for the middle and upper classes as well as set out a more democratic governmental sysetem where almost every kingdom would have a voice.

History of Governing

The Old Dynasty had been a dictatorship, ruled by an emperor and his children. One majour way the Dundell hoped to difrenciate themselves from the Old Dynasty was by establishimg a more democratic system. The Dundell would rule like this for the next 50 years with key figureheads of the original movement becoming the first representatives. But it was not smooth sailing for the Dundell at the start as they had no idea how to run a continent. This meant that the constitution was not written by the leaders of the Dundell, but by those who understood politics which in some cases was captured members of the Old Dynasty. This meant that the constitution of the Dundell Government was very flawed and corrupted, a problem which would cause the Dundell to become chaotic and corrupt in the future.

The Dundell faced its next problems in the years -46 and -45 as the Merchants Council and the Shipping Guild both demanded representation in the Dundell. Since they were not kingdoms the Dundell refused. This lead to a strike from these organisations which haulted all trade across Ecoth. Only days later the Dundell was forced to give in to these organisations and give them seats in the Dundellian Gathering Society. These events showed people how easily the Dundell could be pushed around compared to The Old Dynasty.

In the year 0 The Second Dynasty emerged from exile and used representative Joedofe Hundra to give them information which allowed them to storm the capital. They burned down the Great Dundellian Gathering Chamber and executed its representatives, just as they had executed The Old Dynasty leaders 50 years ago. This brutal display was to send a message to Ecoth that no one can overthrow the Dynasty and get away with it.

Governmental System

The Dundell wished to be a more fair and democratic system than The Old Dynasty but did very little to achieve this. They established the Dundellion Gathering Society (D.G.C) which allowed member kingdoms to speek freely to each other and come to collective decisions. Initially it was thought to be a great idea, but in practice id did not work. Collective decisions were rarely agreed on across the 100+ kingdoms who sent representatives to the Dundell. Almost immidiatly opposing parties were formed which would never agree on the opinions of the others. The position of Dellmaster had to be created to prevent arguments between parties turning nasty and to secure order in the D.G.S. Decisions took so long to come to that the Dundell could never act on a problem fast enough to have any meaningful effect.

The system was also still very undemocratic. Representatives in the Dundell were not elected by the people of their kingdom, but instead chosen by the King of their kingdom. This meant most representatives were only interested in the interests of their own kingdoms and not others. Bribery was common to gain support in the Dundell leading to an increaced level of corruption among representatives. All representaives in the Dundell were of the highest class and cared very little if at all for the middle and lowwer classes of their kingdoms but instead for the favour of their king who had the ability to remove them from their place.

The Dundell did not have one leader, but instead around one hundred. This hindered their progress and decision making siverely and led to increased corruption and bribery. Near its end, many people had come to relise that the Dundell was no better, if not worse, than The Old Dynasty that had come before. This is why many cheared The Second Dynasty when it rampaged into the capital and burned the Dundell to the ground.


A democratic government who wanted to rule Ecoth in a more fair and equal way than The Old Dynasty. The Dundell had a gathering society who would meet in the capital to discuss problems. Each kingdom had a representative in the Dundellian Gathering Society and it was ordered by the Dellmaster who would ensure arguments between kingdoms did not get out of hand. Despite aiming to give more representation the system was generally hated for being slow and corrupted by wealthy and influential individuals.


  • The economy of Ecoth.
  • A relative amount of wealth but mostly split between representatives who would be unwilling to share it.
  • ~100 armed guards.
  • The resources of various kingdoms, should they choose to allow the Dundell to use them.


In the year 0 when The Second Dynasty returned.


The Dundell itself had a military of around 100 soldiers stationed at its capital but largely relied on the independent defence organisations within individual kingdoms to protect their own representatives. This proved to be a problem when the Second Dynasty invaded and the independent defense orders were just interested in protecting their own representative and not anyone else.

The Dundell prided itself in not having a standard military to show how it was different from the violent Dynasty. This is something Representative Joedofe Hundra would think foolish and push to change with no success.

Ultimately the Dundell's lack of military ability would be one of the major factors of its downfall at the hands of the Second Dynasty.

"Today we have created freedom, a freedom from not just the Dynasty, but those who believed our vision impossible. A freedom from not only those who fought against us but stood back and told us we could do nothing, that our mission was not possible. A freedom earned by our own blood that shall be forever remembered and praised in the halls of this new government. I declare a new age, an age of stability and peace, an age without oppression or fear, war or conflict, corruption or instability, the age of the Dundell." -An extract from the declaration speech of the Dundell.
"Finally an end to the opression, the terror that once rampaged through Ecoth, we managed to create order, freedom." -King Harald Hundra on the Dundell
"And the Dundell, that was merely a mess of corruption, chaos and false hope. It never worked and it never would have worked. Too many people trying to get their voices heard all at the same time only drowns out every last one of them over the sea of gabble thrust before the masses. If anything, it pushed Ecoth backwards." -Joedofe Hundra
"I stand here before you in the void that was once the insolence and corruption of the Dundell. They slowly slunk from their caves and hiding spots into this city where they thought that they could overthrow the might of the ancient Dynasty. May these ashes at my feet remind us of their foolish ambitions. The Dynasty was an organisation that had ruled Ecoth for thousands of years, engrained into the very soul of this continent and they thought that they could just kick it out without consequence. I ask you loyal subjects, where did that get them? They lost over half its teritory to independence then sat apon their communal thrones and screamed into the ears of Ecoth expecting the same obediance that the Dynasty had once wheilded before them. And when they didn't get it they began to grow corrupt, arrogant, stubborn. I ask you without the intervention of the Second Dynasty how long would the Dundell have lasted before it crumbled away, a few years perhaps, a decade if optimistic. The people of Ecoth have spoken, and they say the Dundell is dead." -Emperor Rezide

~-95 - 0

Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Training Level
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
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