Suhuvan Empire Organization in Ecoth | World Anvil
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Suhuvan Empire (Sugh-hoo-van)


The Suhuvans began as a simple desert tribe known as the Sughs, living in the sothern region of the Yawaka Desert. They were fairly isolated until the rise of the Huvan Empire in the region around -5400s which brought new trade oppertunities and potentual allies to the Sughs. However as the Huvan Empire beagn to collapse during the -5300s, the allies of the Huvans turned into oppressors.

Rising in Power

"As I entered the city I had heard so much of to my north I was greeted by a crowd of people. They took me to their shrine, a statue of their once great king which flew above its plinth but had no wings to achieve such. They explained in sequence that, there was magic in their city and once a great ruler had crushed every foe and ruled with glory. It was he who's statue now was given the authority to fly above the common people.

I asked them if they wished to join my empire and that, through right their city should become my eternal capital. They accepted without hesitation for they had heard many great things of my Empire. They said how they were ruled by a cuel tyrant, far from the glory of their old kings. I said to them that should I become their king I would bring back so much glory that the whole city might fly higher than the great mountains of Aratachu. In awe of my ambitions they accepted.

I quickly disposed of their tyrant, challenging him to a dual in which I humiliated him. I had him de-clothed and cast out into the mountain wilderness, as I am a merciful ruler who wished to leave his fate to the gods rather than the noose. The people rejoiced and egerly accepted me as their great emperor. I decided to make the city of magic my new and glorius capital. And, in honer of the statue that flew, I decided to name it Frayid."

An extract from the chronicals of Emperor ________ found engraved on the great sones, 600 miles south of Frayid.

Relationship with the Traiphotian Empire

War of the Triumvirate (-4541-34)

Freedom from the Dynasty

Growth in the New Imperial Age

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