The Drift Geographic Location in Echoes of the Cosmos | World Anvil
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The Drift

An artist's illustration of a ship travelling through a debris field in the drift.


The drift is a plane of existence filled with reddish-pink dust, chunks of rock, and violent thunderstorms. It contains no planets, and no significant gravitational pulls have been recorded. Travelling into the drift from The Universe and back again once let people travel vast distances in mere hours. However, travel into the drift has been forbidden since the start of the Modern Era.  


The drift is a massive plane of unknown size. It is unique because every point in the plane corresponds to a point in the universe. These points are much closer in the drift than the universe, which allows a traveler to "skip" the majority of the time it would take to travel a journey in the universe. The entire plane is filled with thick dust, preventing sight beyond a few kilometers. This dust is prone to building up static electricity, resulting in very violent thunderstorms. The only common objects that penetrate the dust are rocks. These rocks range from pebbles to large asteroids. They are usually made of metal, and as such are potentially dangerous to travelling ships.
Plane of Existence


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