Swarm Technology / Science in Echoes of the Cosmos | World Anvil
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A standard swarm drone, without any markings relating to its duty.


Swarm robots used to be the most populous type of robot in the Illithid-Dilug Intergalactic Empire of New Rocheron during the High Precursor Era. These robots carried out nearly every job possible, including singularity transportation, power generation, warfare, and the construction of megastructures like ringworlds. They were gradually phased out after the Second Cataclysm, and are no longer used today. While ancient wreckage of swarms may be occasionally discovered, it is highly illegal to possess any operational drone that may be discovered.


Swarm robots were white spherical robots measuring 0.5 meters across. They possessed a "face" which was a black triangle that contained the majority of the robot's tools and sensors. Swarm robots were partially hollow and were capable of opening their front face in order to bring foreign matter inside their shells.


The vast majority of swarm robots were swarm drones. These drones performed the assignment they were created for alongside their fellow drones. Similar to a Singularity Drive, swarm drones were capable of containing a singularity and extracting power from it, and could plane glide across the universe. However, they lacked the extreme durability possessed by the singularity drive. A typical swarm consisted of 100-10,000 swarm drones under the leadership of a special swarm robot known as a swarm keeper.   Swarm keepers were physically identical to swarm drone apart from markings indicating its rank. They were responsible for ordering every swarm drone under its command and ensuring their assignment was performed as flawlessly as possible.   All swarm keepers reported to the Master AI known as the Swarm Master. The Swarm Master was the intelligence that initially gave the swarm keepers their tasks and coordinated them together to work with the highest efficiency possible. The Swarm Master often worked with the Master AI known as the Architect in order to create vast megastructures.

Naming System:

All swarm drones were named with the following system: their number in their swarm, followed by their swarm master's role and the number of the swarm master. For example, if a swarm drone was named "Swarm Drone 567: Designation Gate Guardian 5," then it can be concluded that they are the 567th member of a swarm led by the 5th swarm keeper with the "Gate Guardian" task.


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