The Ecarian Empire Organization in Ecari | World Anvil
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The Ecarian Empire

The Ecarian Empire is a vast kingdom, ruled by Queen Aena from the capital Llutheas .   It is a theocratic matriarchal monarchy, ruled over by Queens "chosen by Legias" and born with black eyes, though questioning the legitimacy of a noble having black eyes is considered heresy. Succession to the throne is in actuality determined by relation to the previous Queen, with the crown princess being the first born daughter.   The Empire sees itself as being called by Legias themselves to unify Ecari under their rule, so that all may prosper. They have a strong military, but due to the size of the country are spread relatively thin and further expansion has stopped about 50 years ago. The Empire vehemently denies accusations that the Free People of Paekos resistance had anything to do with that decision.

Order Under Legias

Geopolitical, Empire
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
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