Lanloch Woods Geographic Location in Ebresia | World Anvil
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Lanloch Woods (Lan-lock)

The Lanloch Woods is a wet forest named after Lanloch lake. In this specific forest, the rare species of fungus called Black Nose grows in abundance, much to the advantage of the citizens of Minnow's Watch. Being a space between the Lanloch and Drondurlin rivers, the land here is incredibly fertile. The forest is slowly being destroyed and deforested to create farmland to support the growing population of nearby Citadel Fornyr.


The geography of the Lanloch Woods is slightly hilly, as it is in very close proximity to the Black Hills of Parrstone. These hills are covered by various types of trees.


The climate of Lanloch Woods is the coldest it could be while still being considered "temperate". This changes during spring and summer, when it is on of the most pleasant locations to reside in all of Ruthoria due to it's perfect temperature (though it does get very wet in spring).

Natural Resources

  • Wood: Wood is easily harvestable from the local tree population.
  • Black Nose: Black nose mushrooms are abundant in Lanloch Woods.
  • Fertile soil: Being between the Lanloch and Drondiurlin rivers, the ground throughout the forest is incredibly productive, with the roots of the trees helping to prevent erosion on the river's banks.
Alternative Name(s)
Black Nose Woods
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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