Adeventure April 2023: A Bone to Pick One-Shot Plot in Ebilar | World Anvil

Adeventure April 2023: A Bone to Pick One-Shot


This one-shot adventure begins in the town of Meskil on the Maelstrom Coast of Emmeron. Meskil is a medium-sized town located on the border of a massive forest, and the base of a large mountain range. There are two main routes into the town, from the north and south, which circumvent the edges of the dense forest, cutting through the grasslands and hills at the base of the mountain range. Meskil is a fairly diverse town, drawing in gnomes, elves, dwarves, and humans from all along the coast. Since Meskil exists between the territories of the elves, humans, and dwarves of the Malestrom Coast, it has become something of a trade hub, allowing the reclusive elvish and guarded dwarven nations, a hub to trade their magical and master-forged wares with the outside world.  

The Set-Up

The party is a small group of adventurers who have recently contracted to join the Hunters Guild as a unit. Their exploits are largely unknown as of yet, despite having taken several low-grade contracts through the Hunters Guild in Mistwick. The party has found itself in Meskil after exhausting the current stack of low-grade contracts in Mistwick. Thinking that they could try their luck elsewhere, without the competition of other Hunters at the new location. Despite its decent size and location, the party is surprised to hear that Meskil does not have a Hunters Guild faction and finds themselves without work for a number of weeks.  

ACT 1: The Hiring

The party fails to find a worthwhile contract on the posting board of the Hunter's Guild in Meskil. However, taking a break from the failures of searching for work, the party engages in some window shopping.  

ACT 2: The Nest


ACT 3: Opening Night

This is a one-shot adventure for a party of 4-5 players levels 2-3.
Plot type
Related Characters


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May 5, 2023 05:30

Good start to an adventure, don't let it fizzle out just because April is over, I know several of us (myself included) are still working on our one-shots, and I would be interested in seeing where this is going.   Bit of a contradiction that i noticed, in the set-up you say that Meskil has no Hunters Guild faction, but then in The Hiring you seem to imply that there is at least some presence in the form of a quest board

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