Wrogarr ir'Tyran Character in Eberron | World Anvil

Wrogarr ir'Tyran

Lord Wrogarr ir'Tyran (a.k.a. "The Vulture")

A veteran of the First Decades of the Last War, he quickly moved up the officer ranks to general by employing shrewd and often impressively cunning tactics of rush and waiting for his enemies, and then using the bulk of his troops to protect calvary charges which often won battles rather efficiently, for the officer corps. Known as "The Vulture" both for these famous scavenging tactics and his pet vulture "Brey," in reference to the monarchial daughter of Galifar for which Breland is named.   He received his promotion to General under King Boranex ir'Wynarn, in 955 YK, but was forced into an earlier retirement when he led a cavalry raid in which he was injured by arcane artillery, some of the first generations to develop into the more directed anti-personnel weapons that came to dominate the latter half of the War and which had made his tactics distastefully costly before his injury, but his brave charge ended him leaving the Royal Army a decorated and honorable retired general, and when Berny Rex published his Communalist Manifesto, he sought fit to publish his Auctoritist Manifesto, as a counter-text. It declared itself against the weakness of Communalism, seeking to raise communities of strength which punished the weak, and thus allowed Auctori to rise. Auctori are said by the manifesto to be the kinds of strong leaders breed of military service to the nation. However, later chapters also seem to borrow whole cloth exaltations of workers found in the Communalist Manifesto, bizarrely juxtaposed with a chapter exalting the potential for business leaders and noblemen to be Auctori in the fields of trade and business, and join this hypothetical government in a corporatist national structure.   Having pledged strict loyalty to the Brelish Crown and Parliament, while he retains his title of Lord under King Boranel ir'Wynarn, he seems all too eager to implement the ideas in his manifesto and seize the title Auctori, seeing the communalists attempt to implement their own beliefs in the West having irked him so.
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