Jaela Daran Character in Eberron | World Anvil

Jaela Daran

Her Holiness Jaela Daran (a.k.a. Keeper of the Flame)

Jaela Daran is an eleven-year-old girl who serves as the Keeper of the Flame, the spiritual leader of the Church of the Silver Flame. She lives in the Cathedral of the Silver Flame in Flamekeep. She is one of the strongest clerics on Eberron, but has to stay near Flamekeep with the Silver Flame in order to receive her powers.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Is in all considerations an average girl for her age. Near average height, near average eight

Body Features

Jaela is a dark-skinned human with grey eyes. Her hair is black with light streaks through it, which she usually wears cropped short.

Special abilities

Possesses immense magical powers, far beyond any other cleric of her faith, when she is in residence in Flamekeep. She need not be at the Cathedral to access these powers, though she mainly stays within the bounds of the Cathedral's grounds.

Apparel & Accessories

She usually dresses in simple apparel of dull shades of grey and black and is rarely seen wearing any footwear, preferring to walk the marble corridors bare-footed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jaela was the daughter of a simple craftsman in Flamekeep before all else. At the age of four she manifested the ability to predict catastrophic events through dreams and nightmares. These visions were so compelling and accurate her Father decided to contact Cardinal Hagaci. The Cardinal took her to be tested at the Church of the Silver Flame where she was presented to the Silver Flame itself. The Silver Flame responded and told Jaela of a secret Lords of Dust cabal operating within the walls of Flamekeep. The knights of Thrane set out and eliminated the Lords of Dust operatives thus proving Jaela's connection with the Silver Flame. The council of cardinals dutifully appointed Jaela as the new Keeper in 993 YK when she was only six years old.   Over the years Jaela has been the target of many assassination attempts by rival nations who wish to destabilise Thrane's government.


Jaela receives extensive theological instruction and often communes with the Silver Flame.


During her conversations with the Silver Flame she regularly receives warnings of impending trials that await Thrane. After receiving any orders from the Silver Flame she will arrange a meeting with the cardinals and councillors to instruct them to carry them out. Jaela has little policy making powers as the Council of Cardinals has enough autonomy to enforce the law as it sees fit however, through instructions provided by the Silver Flame she can nullify or circumvent the cardinal's authority.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Jaela is humble, modest and meek for a young girl whose pronouncements alter the future of a nation. She adores Skaravojen and is known to play fetch with her.


Hobbies & Pets

Skaravojen, a unique mage-bred creature called a Dragonhound
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Keeper of the Flame
Flamekeep, Thrane
Current Residence
Cathedral of the Flame
short-cropped black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
chocolate brown
83 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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