Aureon Character in Eberron | World Anvil


the patron of wizards and a figure venerated by scholars and librarians. He is the god of magic as a tool for mortals to use. Although all members of the Host are considered equal it is typically written that the Host follows Aureon's guidance due to his vast wisdom.   Long ago, Aureon bound all the evil in his soul and banished it from his personage. This monster became known as the Shadow. It is said that Eberron will come to an end when he and his shadow rejoin. Aureon is the brother of Onatar and the husband of Boldrei. Aureon is portrayed as a gnome or human wizard and occasionally as a blue dragon.   The legendary blue dragon Ourelonastrix brought the secrets of magic to the giants of Xen'Drik ultimately leading to their destruction. This event is known as kurash Ourelonastrix or Aureon's folly.

Divine Domains

Knowledge (Memory, Thought), Law (Inevitable), Magic (Arcane), Rune (Language)   Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An open tome, or the Octogram in shades of black and white, representing both ink on paper and the sharp division between knowledge and ignorance.
Holy Symbol of Aureon

Tenets of Faith

  • Respect and acquire knowledge, especially knowledge that was once lost. Knowledge is the most powerful force on Eberron.
  • Value reason and sound thought over emotion and rash action.
  • Educate yourself, your children, and your allies.


Aureon’s Crown (26 Dravago): A celebration of knowledge, this holiday features lectures and sermons. It has also become the secular date for graduation and commencement ceremonies.
Divine Classification
Sovereign of Law and Lore


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