Zaeran Character in Eberron | World Anvil


Zaeran, an elf werewolf, is a recent arrival to Sharn. He’s one of the sons of the Droaamish warlord Zaeurl. Zaeran has come to the city with a small group of wererats and werewolves, and has bolstered Cavallah's numbers over the past few weeks. He has drawn the ire of the Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame, both for being a werewolf and targetting their paladins while they patrolled the streets.

In Our Story

Zaeran, posing as "Gillifred", infiltrated the Skyway as a waiter at the Azure Gateway (one of the two elite restaurants in the district). He was placed there to monitor the district and report directly to Cavallah while also serving as a lieutenant in her organization, leading his "pack" in intimidation missions against the people of the Lower City.   Most recently, Zaeran had been instructed to remove certain glyph tiles from the perimeter of the Skyway. These glyphs, the Sharn Dragons discovered, were to act much as a Feather Fall spell would, slowing the descent of the district if the manifest zone keeping it afloat among the clouds were ever to fail.   Zaeran appeared on the Sharn Dragon's radar when he attacked and kidnapped Evix ir'Marshala- the councilor from Skyway. They tracked the werewolf to his day-job, but "Gillifred" was able to lead them into an ambush in the restaurant's basement. His life was spared by the party in favor turning him over to the Sharn Watch for further interrogation.   For more see: Session 18a, Shopping in Skyway, 13 Eyre, 998 YK and Session 18b: Werewolves in Skyway, 10 Eyre 998 YK