Cavallah -deceased?- Character in Eberron | World Anvil

Cavallah -deceased?-

Little is known about the little goblin woman who rules the Daask cell in Sharn with an iron fist. From her perch in the vast networks of service corridors and plumbing above Lower Dura, she plots to attack the businesses that have made the Boromar Crime Family successful, in hopes that she will supplant them as Sharn's premier criminal empire.   As the mastermind of the organization’s machinations against the Boromar Clan, she is a scholar obsessed with studying Sharn’s manifest zone, and a devoted servant of Sora Katra. The goblin wears a hag eye that enables Sora Katra to both see and hear what occurs in her presence.

In our story:

  The party saw Cavallah's prodigious strength and cruelty. They noticed the "eye" hanging from her neck, and have watched her compel a stronger creature to do her bidding. They knew her sights were set on the mysterious changeling known as "Tyrant One" for the purposes of killing him and preventing any more changeling meddling in her organization.   Locutus, the name given to the demonic presence inhabiting Therin, has stated that "the little green one isn't good at hiding." The Sharn Dragons continued to fight Cavallah's efforts to seize the lower wards of Sharn by disrupting her shipments of Dragon's Blood and preventing the goblin warlord from gaining further influence within the city. They also managed to recruit Keth away from her cause, gaining a powerful ally within the Daask organization.   It was at that time that Cavallah first heard of her part in a prophecy, serving as the first challenge to a group of adventurers that will one day restore balance to Khorvaire. She learned that her patrons, the Daughters of Sora Kell, knew of this prophecy and placed her in the path of her own demise. She then decided to sever her ties with Droaam and pursue patronage from a more powerful entity, one that would help her break the shackles of fate and tear Sharn, her prison for over a decade, to the ground.   Cavallah had been studying the power of the Manifest Zones as a focus of her interest, and had long sought the ability to corrupt their power to her will. With the assistance of her new (and unknown) benefactor, she found a way to kill the adventurers that would be her doom while also destroying the city that had shunned her and forced her people to eke out a meager existence. It was her greatest hope that when she disrupted the Manifest Zone, the elite would perish and her people could emerge from the catacombs of the city and establish a new society from themselves. She began searching for this source of power immediately, and set her lieutenants to the task of disrupting the Boromar Crime Family and keeping the city busy while she worked.   In the end, the Sharn Dragons were able to find her deep beneath the city. They had defeated each of her lieutenants and fought her while basked in the glow of the Syranian Manifest Zone that kept the mighty towers and the district of Skyway aloft. Though she proved to be a formidable foe, she was bested by the heroes and forced to retreat. At the brink of death, she set her plan into motion. As the amber crystal of the Manifest Zone began to turn black and drip a disgusting ichor, the Sharn Dragons could hear the city beginning to crumble above them.   In the moments that followed, the Sharn Dragons made the fateful decision to chase Cavallah into Xoriat, the Realm of Madness, to break her connection to the Manifest Zone and restore its attunement to Syrania. Therin stayed behind, relinquishing the Mysterious Black Flame Lantern to Erisna to help them escape Xoriat and thereby sealing his fate. Pulling every bit of his life force together, and making a pact with the demon that was bound to his soul, the Valenar elf released the dark energy that fueled him and was able to hold the city aloft for a few moments while the rest of the party set about their final effort to save Sharn.   In Xoriat, the rest of the Sharn Dragons were introduced to the alien realm of Xoriat. In a broken kaleidoscope of dark light, they forced their way through a fisure in their reality into an expanse of magical darkness. There, Rare was able to see Cavallah being drug away by a mind flayer, barely conscious. In that moment, the tiefling warlock fired off an eldritch blast and killed the warlord, restoring the Manifest Zone beneath Sharn. She also alerted the denizens of Xoriat to her presence, and the remaining Sharn Dragons were forced to flee. At that moment it appeared that Cavallah was killed, but in the realm of madness nothing is ever certain...


  Cavallah had a Hag's Eye that mysteriously disappeared after her break with the Daughters of Sora Kell. She also collected a series of special magical items, including Therin Aloro's double-bladed scimitar.

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