Session 13, Talking with Tyrants Report Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 13, Talking with Tyrants Report

General Summary

Welcome back to Eberron...
The last we met, you searched the Dragoneyes district for the elusive "Tyrant One" to form a coalition between his changeling gang "The Tyrants" and the Boromar Crime Family to defeat the bloodthirsty Cavallah. You also learned that he is holding your half-orc friend Keth hostage after discovering the bounty hunter and his crew lurking outside his hideout. You were also ambushed by a group of changelings disguised as a Sharn City Watch patrol, but they were no match for you. Taking one of your attackers captive, you were invited to parley with the gang leader in his hideout, The Shifting Hall. Your recent acquaintance, Chaela Tas, has offered to speak on your behalf.

Earning the Tyrant's Favor:

  The Sharn Dragons met with "Tyrant One", who expressed an interest with working with the adventurers but refuses to work with the Boromar Crime Family.
  "Tyrant One" offered to share information with the Sharn Dragons as a way to demonstrate to the party that their organization could be an asset to their efforts. The team asked them to divulge the current location of Cavallah, and were told that she is mobilizing forces in Khyber's Gate (The Cogs).
  Keth is still alive, being held as a prisoner by The Tyrants for his actions against Sephona and for trying to track "Tyrant One" and kill them. Glittergem tried to negotiate the terms of his release, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. It seemed they would be willing to negotiate further, but not until they were able to glean the half-orc's true intentions.   Finally, "Tyrant One" got to the business at hand. They explained that Waz, a changeling working with the Sharn City Watch that had recently come to The Tyrants with concerns of corruption in the Daggerwatch Garrison, had been detained while rifling through paperwork. He was being held in the brig for questioning by an Inquisitive within the next few hours. Complicating matters further, the Sharn Watch did not know that Waz, living in the persona "Nigel Shattershield", was a changeling. That information would not only be damning to him, but to his family that served on the Watch incognito for the past three generations. The Sharn Dragons were asked to retrieve the information that Waz collected, and save him from being exposed as a changeling if they could.  


  In Daggerwatch, Rare took the form of a mundane human and cast Invisibility on Therin to conduct their initial reconnaissance of the Daggerwatch Garrison. Glacias and Therin conducted a thorough search of the grounds (protected against Invisibility, Disguise Self, and any arcane form of transportation/ teleportation. Meanwhile, the rest of the party went to the "Gold and White Tavern" to learn more about what was happening (see the Interactions tab below).  

The Daggerwatch Garrison:

With Butler in tow, the party entered the garrison pretending to be Inquisitors-in-training. When the party began describing their plan to mislead the local law enforcement, Erisna became uncomfortable with the plan and decided to wait at the "Gold and White".   The party met with Commander Lian Halamar and Commander Iyanna ir'Talan. They lied to the former, but Iyanna saw through their lies. She also suspected the halfling of corruption and signed the writ that was required for Waz's release, with the expectation that the party would divulge the information required to help the Commander with her own investigation.   The party learned from Waz that Commander Halamar was in the Boromar Crime Family's pocket, "losing" evidence and releasing known criminals from his garrison for dubious reasons. With the signed writ, the Sharn Dragons were able to leave the garrison without issue and meet with Erisna outside.   Therin couldn't pass up the opportunity to try and "procure some materials" from the Sharn Watch. He was able to tuck an impressive-looking longsword with a broken hilt in the Bag of Holding that Glittergem gave him, and with some maneuvering and smooth talking was able to narrowly escape Maximillian ir'Valant and some guards that had returned from the funeral held for Sergeant Meshindi Vargas.  


  Returning to the Crooked Mirror, the party was able to deliver Waz to Chaela Tas, who promised to escort him to "Tyrant One". She also confirmed that there was no concern with sharing information with Commander ir'Talan, as long as she didn't learn that "Nigel Shattershield" was a changeling.  

Hook for Next Session:

  Mira at the Crooked Mirror informed the party that Tye Copperkettle and some of the Boromar Family's drug operation. Hurrying to the Boromar Estate (some invisible or disguised) the party found Mala Boromar d’Jorasco leading a large meeting of the family. There she explained that her husband, Saidan Boromar, was leading the family again and that he would set things right.   In private, Mala met with the party and invited them to meet with Saidan at the mansion in Hareth's Folly after they had a moment to collect themselves.   The party decided on one week's worth of down time prior to the next session (28 Therendor 998 YK, "The Boromar Ball").

Rewards Granted

The Sharn Dragons received 1,400 galifar for their retrieval of Waz, and the information that he collected.   Therin stole the weapon Shatterspike from the Daggerwatch Garrison's "legacy room". The hilt is broken and requires repair.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Sharn Dragons have improved the coalition to fight Cavallah by befriending The Tyrants. They have also identified members of The Sharn City Watch (Commander Iyanna ir'Talan and Captain Daja Brel) that may be willing to join a good cause, or Commander Lian Halamar that may be willing to aid the Family for money.

Character(s) interacted with

Eck/ "Tyrant One": Expressed a keen interest in joining forces with the Sharn Dragons, though they refused to work with the Boromar Crime Family. Shared Cavallah's location, but strongly hinted they knew a lot more information if the party would only ask.   Boranel Aldameiri: Former quartermaster of Erisna's old unit from the War, hired first by the Talain Garrison in Daggerwatch before taking a new job with House Cannith managing their warehouses after his predecessor "lost some equipment" during an attack earlier in the month. Also told Erisna that her former Platoon Sergeant, Jerem Shamer, is living in Sterngate and holds her responsible for the decisions she made on The Day of Mourning.   Butler: Was in the "Gold and White" to meet with Professor Ari Toriun from Morgrave University to discuss some interesting lore of Old Sharn. The old man never arrived, so the warforged offered to help the Sharn Dragons in their efforts to rescue their "confidential informant". Butler also informed Glittergem that he was ready to delve deeper into their case.   Commander Lian Halamar: Halfling Commander of the Daggerwatch Garrison. He is definitely dirty, proven by the information that "Nigel Shattershield"/ Waz collected for The Tyrants, but it isn't clear exactly why he working with the Boromar Crime Family.   Commander Iyanna ir'Talan: Daughter of Lord Commander Iyan ir'Talan and Commander of the Black Arch Garrison in Lower Sharn. She seems to be fighting the good fight, working to clean up the city and fix the crooked outfit that she is a part of from the inside. She asked the Sharn Dragons to divulge any information that they learned with her, and to speak with her about what can be done for the city.


Therin and Erisna have priority for Side Quests over the next two (real world) weeks. Session 14, "The Boromar Ball" takes place on 28 Therendor 998 YK, when we meet on 31 January 2021!
Flight of the Sharn Dragons
Report Date
17 Jan 2021
Primary Location