Keth Character in Eberron | World Anvil


Keth is a member of Daask, sent by "The Sisters" to find "The Avatars of Sora Kell". Joined by Delakash (druid), Mara, and Jakar (barbarians) Keth has begun his search for this hidden group in the city of Sharn. While searching for clues, he and his crew work directly for Cavallah as a bounty hunter.   Originally a member of House Tharashk, Keth was inducted into the House's business as a teenager, managing contracts for other bounty hunters while he learned the trade himself. Much of his business was tracking down deserters from each of the major kingdoms, Keth did a limited amount of fighting on the frontier between The Shadow Marches and what is now Droamm. After selling enough contracts to the kingdoms of Khorvaire, Keth became embittered with the treatment of who he saw to be his true people. When the Daughters of Sora Kell began raising the nation of Daask, Keth left his old business behind and joined their effort.   Keth wears a long trench coat and an akrubra hat and carries with him a wand of magic missile in an ornate holster on his hip. He is a consummate professional, but ruthless in the conduct of his business.   He is not a “true believer” in support of Cavallah, and reports through an intermediary to Sora Katra herself. He is sickened by what he has to do to serve Sora Katra’s interests in Sharn and is eager to return to Droamm.

In our story:

  Keth has proven to be a bit of a friend to the party, and willing to pass on a bounty (Diggory Smith) that he saw as less than honorable. His inability to collect on that bounty, combined with the information that he has tried to collect on the party's behalf has put the half-orc in a desparate situation. Knowing his situation to be tenuous, the bounty hunter has struck off to find Tyrant One in Dragoneyes- and appears to have been detained by the mysterious leader of the changeling gang.


  Keth is a capable bounty hunter and bears the "Mark of Finding" like many members of House Thurashk. For a modest fee he will locate any creature the party wishes to find within a modest distance.   He is also a useful informant on Daask activity in the Lower Wards. Though he does not have consistent access to the likes of Cavallah and Harash, Keth keeps his ear to the ground on new information. This information is passed to the party at Tinker's Green Dragon and has not come with a fee.

Interaction with other NPCs:

  Keth is a member of Daask (Sharn Cell) and leader of his own crew (Delakash, Mara and Jakar). Their crew is originally from Droaam but is currently employed by Cavallah.   He is a friend to Tinker, and has an unspecified relationship with Ashe.   Sephona, Gray, and Mira know him as the bounty hunter who took the young changeling's eye and threatened the Crooked Mirror.   Otherwise, he is fairly new in the city and does not know many people. Most NPCs should not be expected to know who he is.