Eberron Birth of the modern Warforge

Birth of the modern Warforge

Technological achievement

965 YK

Due to massive casualties for Warforged Titans the nations of Breland and Cyre requested that they be scaled down and made reliable. Thus House Cannith created and birthed the modern warforged in their creation forges.

Despite their size, though, the titans were vulnerable to massed troops, particularly Thrane pike-and-axe counter-operations. Of the four hundred titans built from 959YK to 964YK, only seventy-nine were still operating in 965YK. This depletion was partly a function of their experimental form, but House Cannith also noted that the titans were nearly always placed at the hottest and deadliest points of any engagement. Both Breland and Cyre requested that the titans be scaled down and made more reliable.   Six years after the creation of the titans, House Cannith perfected the modern-era warforged. Cyre was the first nations to invest heavily in the new warriors, and Breland and others soon followed. House Cannith began selling warforged by the score, by the hundreds, and in later years by the thousands.

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