Eberron Shifting Alliances

Shifting Alliances

Diplomatic action

Dravago, 911 YK

Breland accepts Cyre’s offer to help defend against Thrane invaders.

King Thalin’s troops had been operating freely in much of “Old Breland”—the area southwest of Scions Sound held by Breland before the war. Indeed, by this time he, rather than Queen Wroann, controlled the area. Brelish objections against Thrane’s occupation were brushed aside “given the exigencies of war.” When Thalin claimed that Cyran forces were raiding north and that he needed to secure Lurching Tower as a staging ground to combat them, Breland hotly disputed that claim. Thrane mustered an army “to strike at the Cyran bandits” but in 911, it moved first south, not east. In the face of this crisis, King Brusst’s years of diplomacy bore fruit.

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