Eberron Coronation of King Jaron of Karrnath

Coronation of King Jaron of Karrnath

Political event

Eyre 25th, 961 YK

After a royal tour King Jaron is coronated and finds the country is eager for a more aggressive approach.

Kaius’s son, Prince Jaron, was forced to conduct a royal tour to ensure a smooth transition of power. The king to-be soon found that the nobles wanted to see a “redirection” of Karrnath ambitions. They despised the nation’s largely defensive stance since the triumph at Metrol.   In truth, these sentiments matched Jaron’s mindset perfectly. He assured the nobles that, once he was crowned, Karrnathi triumph would soon follow. Aundair and Cyre had been beaten back; it was time to retaliate against Thrane's abandonment and insults. After his coronation in 961, King Jaron ordered plans for a glorious assault of Thrane.

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