Eberron The first Siege of Korth

The first Siege of Korth

Military action

Nymm - Rhaan, 936 YK

Exploiting vulnerabilities in the Karrnathi lines the Cyrn northern front breaks through and instigates the unsuccessful siege of Korth.

Along the relatively stable battle lines in the north, 936 YK saw a large-scale Cyran raid into Karrnath. The timing was good, because the invasion happened while Karrnath’s reserves were pushing back Aundair in the north and mopping up the remaining outposts of tribal resistance in the Talenta Plains.   The Cyran raiders discovered a vulnerable point in the Karrnathi lines and surged through. They encountered little resistance, and urgently requested more troops and supplies. Acting nimbly, Cyre‘s General Brugeff, Supreme Commander of the Northern Front, rushed to exploit the breakthrough. Although the fighting was pitched at times, and Karrnathi troops defended bravely, Cyre was able to make significant progress toward Korth.   Hoping to avoid an extended siege, Cyre immediately assaulted the walls. This attack might have been successful if the plot to open the Southgate—leading straight into the king’s palace—had not been uncovered and stymied by the Order of the Emerald Claw. While Korth’s heaviest troops, including a detachment of the Conqueror’s Host—the king’s personal guards—pushed the invaders back, priests of Vol magically barred the gate. Thereafter, General Brugeff contented himself with pillaging the countryside for miles in all directions.   Marines from the privateering town of Westhaven staged a daring voyage down Scions Sound to harry Cyran supply lines. Karrnathi relief forces returning from Talenta and those raised from levies in the countryside countered the besiegers, denying them food from foraging.   Finally, King Kaius II stepped out of Kron’s besmirched shadow and showed himself to be a powerful military leader, rallying the common folk and personally leading undead legions on night raids against Cyran lines. In the end, Cyre retreated back toward the sound.

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