Samyr Kes Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Samyr Kes

Samyr Kes was one of the founding members of the Church of the Silver Flame, and an adventuring companion to Tira Miron   On the night before her final battle with Bel Shalor, Tira gathered her companions together to discuss and outline her vision for the Church of the Silver Flame. Most of her words were preserved in records kept in Flamekeep, and the people she told formed the foundation of the faith. Samyr, however, was killed by an agent of Bel Shalor during the final battle, and he never had chance to write down or pass on the words that Tira gave him. This lack of involvement in the church has meant that he has largely faded from memory.
Year of Birth
221 YK 778 Years old

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