The Sandy Steppe


The Sandy Steppe is a desert covering the southwestern third of the continent Cadalyn. It spans close to 150 miles horizontally at its broadest point and nearly 250 miles in length. That is if one were to disregard the grouping of islands that split from the desert at the continent's southwestern-most point. Above this grouping are the remains of the Steppe's only settlement; the now forsaken and dilapidated city, Solaris.   Other than that, the, at times, seemingly endlessly stretching dunes of Sandy Steppe are only interrupted by ruins of Ages long past, which jut out of the sand like broken bones.

Localized Phenomena

Starting in the month of Blossoming and typically lasting well until late Redfall, dry thunderstorms are a common sight in the Steppe. The result of these thunderstorms often is sand storms, which are just as dangerous as the thunderstorms - if not more so.

Fauna & Flora


Not many plants thrive in the Sandy Steppe. The plants that do survive and thrive in this climate are mostly cacti, bamboo, and a handful of mushroom species, such as the Bluecap Mushroom, which can actually serve as a source of water in a pinch.


The animals inhabiting this desert are limited to ones one might expect to find in deserts. Scorpions and snakes - many of which are venomous -, hyenas and lions, camels, and, of course, vultures, have all made the Steppe their home.

Natural Resources

Sometimes the lightning strikes accompanying the thunderstorms leave behind Fulgurite in their wake. This Mineraloid is highly coveted by magic users and enchanters for its magical properties.


The Sandy Steppe is not a very hospitable space, thus there is little tourism to speak of. Before Solaris was abandoned, merchants and adventurers would brave the Steppe to visit the city. Nowadays, there are only a handful of brave or desperate adventurers and scholars who find their way into the Steppe to explore the ruins there, hoping to perhaps uncover valuable artifacts. Most of the more easily accessible ones, however, have long since been discovered and salvaged. The ones that remain are either in heavily trapped locations or buried so deep, they cannot safely be unearthed. This leaves many an adventurer as a feast for the vultures and hyenas.   Yet others search for the illusive Eternal Oasis, a supposed idyllic safe haven located somewhere in the Steppe. The records that describe this place exclusively are second-hand experiences written down by scholars. Without exception, they all contradict each other. They seemingly put the location of Oasis at different places. Each record describes the Oasis differently, leading many to believe that it is but a mirage.
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species
Related Materials