Kinsara Character in East Marches | World Anvil



Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is small and unassuming, easy to miss except for the fact that she naturally stands out as a deep gnome. Her usually closed off posture hides her fairly sturdy build, but is often clumsy in new areas until she gets a feel for a layout.

Body Features

Kinsara's pale purple skin and wavy white hair is an easy give away for her deep gnome heritage. She stands 3'6 with a sturdy build and is often found walking tall with a forced confidence but rarely meets anyone's eyes.

Facial Features

Her facial features are delicate, with soft lines and unmarred by any sort of damage.

Identifying Characteristics

Just her distinctive pale purple skin and white hair.

Physical quirks

She normally keeps her self appearing as small as possible, even though she is already quite small, but her posture changes often and abruptly as she begins to learn who she is. When excited, her eyes light up and she can suddenly look people in the eye. When she is trying to be brave, she stands up tall in a false confidence.

Special abilities

As an abjuration wizard she specializes in wards, blocking and protecting magics. She is also constantly under the effects of the non-detection spell.

Apparel & Accessories

She dresses fairly simply, but seems to gravitate towards rich, bright colors or things that can catch the light.

Specialized Equipment

She has a worn looking, haphazard spellbook that is filled with looseleaf paper and is barely a manageable size for her to carry. She also carries a rock with her, which on closer inspection is a crystal only found in the Underdark.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was born without a name, without identity, but she was born with purpose. Bred intentionally as a candidate to become the next wardkeeper, they knew she was powerful from the moment of her birth. She was kept in thrall by the illithid that had enslaved her people, she wasn’t given a chance to come into her own until they had broken her spirit completely, around age 50. She was given enough leeway to begin learning and using the innate powers of her people first, and when she proved reliable they allowed her to begin using basic spells. Over the next 50 years she became a proficient wizard, able to begin studying the wards and protections used to keep the colony secret and safe.   Because she was allowed to have some of her mind, she was kept away from many of the atrocities committed in this place -- committed unwittingly by her own people under the control of their masters. But her purpose was not to contemplate such things, no. She only knew that she had a job to do, spells to learn, tasks to complete and if she didn’t… well… she had seen what had become of some of the other candidates. So she kept her head down, did her work and was selected to begin her real training.   The higher tiers of magic would require control of her own mind, so brief periods of lucidity were granted so she could master more complex spells. Of all the things that haunt her, these moments are the hardest to look back on. Even in complete control, she continued to do her work as if there was no difference at all, ignoring the unprompted tears that would flow down her cheeks while she did it.   This went on for years longer still, until it came down to two candidates. Herself and another who also had no name. The final test was simple, whoever survived the longest against the onslaught of the masters would become wardkeeper. The pain… she still has nightmares about that pain. It was more than she could bear, and she knew that soon she would lose. It was that fateful moment that for the first time she felt what being alive meant. She fought back, and she fought hard. She watched while the other candidate’s wards and magics failed and died a slow, painful, agonizing death. She saw for the first time what the illithid truly were as they consumed him in front of her. She was to be the next wardkeeper now.   That night on her ward watch, she felt it shimmer and, as was her duty, went to reinforce it. But with a clarity in her mind she realized… she had no idea what she was even protecting them against. She had only ever been in these 5 rooms and for the first time felt curiosity. She knew the way out but she never even considered doing it. Looking down at her hands, they felt as if they were someone else's. The disconnect between actions and mental acuity slowly moved towards one another, a magnetic pull, until....SNAP. The spell dropped. She could hear her feet thumping against ground.. She was never truly under guard, so sure were her masters of their control, so she just walked out. Then ran. She made it to the surface, barely, they realized quickly that she was gone. She could feel the ward being assaulted by… something… and just ran for it. She had no way of preparing herself for what she was about to see, but the instinct to survive was stronger than the bewilderment of seeing the ocean for the first time. There was a ship. She boarded it. She screamed for them to run. She blacked out.   She woke up in chains, relieved to only find them binding her physically. When they asked who she was, she answered “Free” in Deep Speech, but they heard “Kinsara” which… isn’t really the translation, but she had nothing else to call herself, so it stuck. She spent some time with them after they decided she could be useful, but most of it was in a haze.They were kind to her on the ship most of the time, and she carried her weight by assisting them when she could, and they paid her back with pirated spells she could slowly translate and books to learn as much as she could. One day they mentioned considering going into port. That’s the day she discovered there was more than just ocean and what was beneath it. She convinced them to let her off at the next port they could find, and that was the day she walked onto the docks of Vareholm.


She doesn't even know yet- hasn't really been a priority.


She learned most of her spellwork under the thrall of the illithid, the rest she is self taught.

Mental Trauma

Deeply traumatized by her past, would rather die than be enslaved/not of her own mind again.

Intellectual Characteristics

She's very book smart, though uneducated. She picks up on new things fast.

Morality & Philosophy

The world is a new and wondrous place, but she is always looking for the evil that lurks behind a smiling face.

Personality Characteristics


She is first driven to be happy in spite of those who keep her enslaved, but also determined to one day free her people.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is kind and curious - always willing to learn. She takes making mistakes seriously and is always looking to atone when she does something wrong.

Vices & Personality flaws

She is always looking to the evil behind a smile- she can't risk it not to.


Religious Views

Knows nothing about religion and is confused about its existence to be honest.

Social Aptitude

She is very polite, or at least tries to be. She's innately good at reading people but often doesn't know what those interpretations mean. She apologizes often and gets embarrassed easily, since she often makes innocent social blunders and misunderstands common speech.


The smaller amount of people she's with, the more comfortable her behaviors are. In large groups or meeting new people she has a tendency to shut down or get significantly more awkward.


She pauses a lot in her speech, which is often unsure and nervous sounding.
Year of Birth
101 154 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Was a product of breeding for the ideal wardkeeper.
Pale Blue
42 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Gnomish, Draconic, Undercommon, Deep Speech
Ruled Locations


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