In Which Vareholm's Heroes Rescue Wayward Souls in East Marches | World Anvil

In Which Vareholm's Heroes Rescue Wayward Souls

As the eternal darkness of Idriell gets a bit darker, and all the farmers head home from their fields, a child sneaks out for Galloran's Hearth. Rumor has it, Balthazar is going to be telling a new story tonight. As the youth makes their way in, and finds a spot to listen, the half drow bard finishes playing a song on his flute and downs a glass of whiskey.   "Alrigh', now let's begin. 'Oo wants ta 'ear the story of Michaela the Mighty again?"   The children groan and complain.   "Mm. 'Ow 'bout Gregor the Beast?"   Another round of jeers and complaints erupt from the horde.   "'N it ain' the right kinda night for a recountin' of the rescue o' ol' King Zephyr. So, I guess there's no choice but ta share a new story with ya."   At this, all of the children burst into cheers.   "This story starts 'fore I ever even 'eard o' this place, when a party of adventurers went out ta 'elp the giants off to the north with some Oni what 'ad been summonin' bad dreams fer the clan o' giants. Well, they found those Oni, 'n fought 'em, 'n started ta win. So the Oni summoned a dangerous creature from another plane. A thing known only as a Night Walker. Well, the Night Walker managed ta kill off two o' Vare'olm's 'eroes, Conviction and Korrik, 'fore the others escaped, though Cayden later died 'oldin' off the Oni that were chasin' down the survivors. Now most things, when they kill ya, ya jus' die, 'n ya get ta go on ta whatever afterlife ya got waitin' fer ya. A Night Walker kills ya, though, 'n it'll eat yer soul, 'n that's what 'appened ta those two."   "Now, when I came 'ere, I soon found a companion in my travels. A spirit that 'ad once worked with Conviction, Naran. 'N Naran told me in no uncertain terms, that if we were gonna work tagether, I 'ad ta 'elp rescue the souls o' Conviction 'n Korrik."   "Now I weren' too sure on 'ow ta even start with this task. There were rumors o' some strange places 'round that could steal a soul, or maybe reattach it. O' magics that could do wondrous things if ya could just imagine 'em. It was only when I got my 'ands on this 'ere cutlass that I caught a break." Balthazar pats the cutlass in a worn leather sheath on his right hip. "This is what is known as a Luck Blade. It mighta been able ta just wish their souls back on it's own, but 'ooever 'ad it before me, took all o' the wishin' outa it, 'n I 'ope they were good ones. But it also 'as the ability ta point me to a treasure that I'm lookin' for."


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