Gilnaith Geographic Location in East Marches | World Anvil


Within the Oshran Empire, Gilnaith was perhaps the city most concerned with arcane and technological advancement. These advancements have been long led by a Powdersmith - a master of artifice imbued with incredibly advanced technological knowledge. The current Powdersmith is Jolene Scalebreaker, a Gnomish engineer and one of the Slayers of Pikyr.
  Though it is now a ruin that has been largely reclaimed by the surrounding jungle, some of Gilnaith’s industrial center still remains. And though the title of Powdersmith makes her the de facto leader of the city, Jolene must still regularly contend with rogue constructs, goblinoid tribes piloting stolen flying machines, and hulking mecha-dinosaurs that shoot kill lasers out of their eyes, for access to the manufacturing centers.
Alternative Name(s)
Star Spear